Is it ok to masturbate on da piano?
- Sure, I’ve dun it mahself
- Yeah, but don’t make a mess…
- I don’t masturbate
- wtf?
0 voters
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Is it ok to masturbate on da piano?
0 voters
Please discuz!
only if it tiz fo a Doctorate in Composition
so yo are sugzesting it could be part of a performance?
Tiz reminds me of a postmodern theatre performance I saw where one of the actors peed on stage…
i prefer the random Ives piece where you set the piano on fire
What iz da name of dat piece?
Dere’z no need to add to da finish ov da keyz.
itz ok … but be sho u sink da piano wit da sperma ok ???
Nobudy selected da “I don’t masturbate” option of da poll.
Go figure…
<----- “Good morning to you!..NIIIIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
haha da ROB, change yo avatah back!!
hahaha tha mini-ziff could say that phraze too n it would alzo be approriate i think
me be lovin da 88 an all but dayum!
Fo da sake of science I conducted an extensive case study on diz question. I can already report first resultz. First, don’t sperm on da strings - they rust badly after dat, in particular da bass strings. Tha polish iz relatively uncricital - even massive amounts of sperm did not do any vizible harm. It iz not quite clear what da effect on da keyz iz - so far, a slight greasiness waz da only effect. Da action began to degrade noticeably after two weeks of daily sperm exposure. Long-term resultz are not yet available but I will continue da investigation, of courze.