Is it true French pianism has become a bit sheeyat?

Being tired of da KAT is like being tired of pussy. :lib:


80s :sunglasses:


da vlad has never liked him :ok_hand:

BTW - in Turkey diz szymbol :ok_hand: referz to da human anuz :black_circle:




So in Cypriot: :cat:'s :ok_hand:t2:


da angelizh a zolid B tier mofo

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I’ve enjoyed both Adam Laloum and David Kadouch, recently. Francois-Frederic Guy is alright too.

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As long as Aimard is alive I have no qualms with French pianism.


Aimard :heart_eyes:

Should I see Lise de la Salle on 1 March of this year? I don’t know the repertoire, but it is supposed to be some dance pieces

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Scout her a little and see what you think.

I attended a superb recital with her here a few years ago, but a friend in the US taped her just a few months later where she was a bit meh.

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If you don’t know her at all she’s a very natural, musical, flowing pianist with a great sound and right headed readings. She’s unlikely to challenge you or tell you something you don’t already know about the music - she’s more a “musical” pianist than an “artistic” one - but she’s perfectly capable of excellence both pianistically and interpretatively.

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Da Meph brought da tickes. Will you also attend?


Nice! de la Salle isn’t someone I’d travel for, but I’d happily attend any future recitals she gives in my vicinity (and I do want her back).

Odd they don’t give away the program when it’s only 6 weeks away. I found this though so from the description I bet you’ll at least get the Ravel Valses.

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everywun zuck right now cuz every young mofo haff da zame zound, diz zumthin lyk da ‘hyper-clean technique era’ where everywun uze a narrow sonoral vocabulary. da thugz out dere givin tru GENZUI interpz r not da new kidz, dey iz mofoz lyk da SOCK, da GENIE, da babayan etc.

I agree with this. Piano as piano even well played kinda boring. Is why I think piano should have mod pedals like electric guitar. Whammy bars etc.


dey do, called da UNA CORDA zheeyat. but dat toooooo daring n unsophisticated fo todayz wimpz

da :nigga: forte88 had da fuckin foil inzert zheeyat

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Tru, also, when mofos overuse una corda juz to make light stuff easier to handle

Dat is also wimpish

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This getting better.


tru, it muzt be uzed fo da COLOR only

This one… a bit WTF …