iz is new heah; also, q bout islamey

yo yo yo to all z pple in da hood,

i iz new here, so we’d appresiat some kindness

question: in inslamey, how do u gods finger this phrase? iz i ruining it, my way?


[follow da link. if the jpeg of da passage doesn’t come appear, this be mah bad]

wellcum to da forum dude!

did u play all da chopets ?

welcome, and those fingerings seem ok to me… i think i used the same ones, been a while (never played it, only messed around with it, i could play that passage ok though)

are u naked in dat photo :open_mouth:

o i c now, sorry

i has played a few chopin etudes, but not no.6 in op.25 (which seemz to be the moast relevant)

haha adelaide. random.

if deh iz a centah to the univerze, adelaide iz the place furthest from it

my fingerings for this part -real akward but tell me if it helped
