or iz da sdc been randomly fuckin zlow lately?
im ztill in love wiz tha firz girl i evah wnet out wiz
tiz finalz for many of univz/high schoolz
i harzhly didnt git mah firzt znifferz til age 16
fuck… i iz dead tomorrow
two finals back to back from 11 - 6
haha I iz on holidays fo 3 monthz
iz a great healah, let it be yo guide, n den gain maztery ovah it n manipulate it at will
fo tiz da deztiny of da chozen 1
, u are full of shit.
hahaha u fuckah, I mean da board iz LOADING ZLOWLY foh me, not da numbah of poztz per day tru
n wut wordz of wizdom wud u gif to da rob in hiz zituation?
wank it out
fuck… i iz dead tomorrow
two finals back to back from 11 - 6
yeah me too…i have one tonite at 7-10…then tomorrow morning 9-12…and i havent studied for the second one yet

im ztill in love wiz tha firz girl i evah wnet out wiz
feel ur pain