KAN on Naxos?

anything guud?

i dunno, dere is many naxos kan cds

i haff laurent martin n ringeissen playing different works, its ok

nax haff alot of good sheeyat so tiz pozzible

For 6 bucks a CD, you can’t go wrong. 8)

da KAN on Naxos is some weak sheeyat but if u iz on a budget it will do.

dose pussies play it fukkin slow.

da ringmastah iz quite good

Laurent Martin’s Preludes Op. 31 are brilliant; the Esquisses Op. 61 release on Naxos is also quite good, but their Op. 39 recordings are seriously lacking in power and speed. Ronald Smith and Marc-Andre Hamelin are the two that you can trust the most to deliver a good Alkan performance.

I mean uh… not tru, pozzibly.

Smithz Kan iz good interpretation wize but he battlez a bit with da technical difficulty, like in da grande sonate and festin. I hactually prefer Lewenthal when it comez to da kan

I iz not familiar wiff Smith’z grande sonate, but i’ll take ur word for it. Lewenthal rox my sox all nite long.

da CAPED RAY iz a tru SD in da symph finale but hiz interp iz juzt sheeyat, uzing forced CG az an excuze fo hideouzly bad rhythm.

da :doc: z interpretive approach in diz cannot be faulted. da TRU MIDI STYLEE iz key to succezz 8)

yep, da NAXOZ KAN cdz r wikid, not DOC level tho, obviouzly

thanxthanx gotta try then… how about Gibbons’ Op 39? I already haf da Smith’s and da doc’s-not complete… is da Gibbons still worth to buy?

yep, tiz wikid

again, not quite DOC tho

yep, Gibbons 39 iz gud

but then again da doctah havent recorded no1-3 aor no11. I haff ordered this sheeyat from amazon foh moh dan 2 months ago and those mofoes haffent send it to mah bad self yet.

-da Meph

haha, diz iz wut u get fo bein a cock

hahaha yep

Iff you want it, i can send it

PM me

Gibbons plays Op.39 No.1 wit FURY! Listen to the explosion at 40 secs. And after the cantabile, espressivo section, the mass of sound starting at 3:15 will get you hard. You can even hear spurting at 3:24. It’z not quite eighth note=160, but it’z close. Certainly more furious than Smith. Now, how to convince da Doc to record it?

Much respect to Gibbons.

Here it iz:

s43.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=21JU … C3SSDCPIMI