Kempe - Mozart Requiem

this is my fav Mozart Requiem…well along with the Celibidache that :rectum: posted, but this is really something completely different…

Super respect. Kempe is one of my 10 favourite conductors and SOMEHOW I’ve never heard this…

I will post his Respighi CD for you, if you want - it’s my favourite Respighi rec.

I would love to here his Respighi. Ever since you went on your
Celibidache marathon I pretty much anticipate any orchestral recs that you post. Sorry if I haven’t replied or contribute enough…I’ve been lazy, but the sheeyat in here and the jazz froum iz every bit as good as the stuff in pino/recording…

Tru, I’ll try to keep the posting to at least one or two CDs per day.


been wanting a descent rec of this


You didn’t get the Celibidache rec?!

Or maybe you did and you’re just trying to start shit… :stuck_out_tongue:

da celibidache iz incredible but i find dat itz not great to introduce nu non-clazzical mofoz to da work becauze of its tempo.

i iz absolutely pizzin mah pants in anticipation to hear thiz.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: @ lacrimoza :cry:

nope :frowning:

K, I’ll post it soon. You won’t believe how different it is…

awesome thanks!

i love that work, performed it a few times with different orchestras

REUP plz da link expired :frowning:

Wait until tonight - i’ll post the Celibidache rec… it’s much better anyway.

da canadain speaks harzhly tru…

but i vil repoozt anyway cuz tiz definitely worth hearing