Koenjihyakkei - Angerr Shisspa

Used to post here. Now just reads this forum.
But didn’t wanna keep you from listening to this:


Probably the most hardcore and insane prog rock you will ever hear.

hahaha wtf, I want to get dis, but da 2nd pic randomly turnz moi off

haha it looks like that mic iz actually inside her mouth

how da fuck cud dat pic turn u off :whale:

i dun listen to woman playing/making music, except for few penizez 8)

:ho: " :ho: "

not to be zexist, but tiz a bit tru, how many great arttitz iz dere dat is female, like on da level of say Notorious BIG or Ludacris, dere is none.

Lyk i said, dis band iz a bit hardcore sometimes
But anyway u shud d/l dis u fuckahs 8)
u have 7 only days to decide :stop:

iz u zuggetin ludacris is good? FUCK, notorious BIG could pass for “good” but ludacris?

or iz it a zarcazm i mizzed 8)

hahahaha ludacriz iz wikid


hittable :lib:
