Lang Lang

Dudes, I’m going to see Lang Lang in an hour and a half

Go me


a huge mofo


who iz langlang

fuck diz CG den … :dong:

he grew his hair out, it’s down to his shoulders

he was wearing like this velvet jacket thing…he was playing da :chop: Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra and was pretty :open_mouth:
I got to sit in the 3rd row, was like 20 feet from him, and got to see his hands…'twas awesome…'cept he wasn’t signing autographs afterward :cry:

why is his nickname Bang Bang? He had a “tender” touch

da :rock: and da :chop: approved greatly of his performance

I prefah paul wee to da dong.

well, I’ve never seen da wee

now u haf…


