hahahahaha, tiz da introduction ceremony
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food sends:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
Transfer of “wtf25-1.mid” is complete.
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) has been added to the conversation.
fanman says:
who be da cgosnell?
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
guess from da sheeyat#
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
who’s fanman?
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
noooo, bastard comme sent you that 1st 25/1 recording, it’s embaressing, heh
fanman says:
diz iz just random rolled chordz
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
give me some time to rest and I’ll do a better one of it, get it down to around 50 secs
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
but, I did do it in under a minute, didn’t I? even as crappy as that was
fanman says:
hahahaha let me jot down yo transcription
fanman says:
fanman says:
u told u uz u gonna do a video rec too
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
i actually believe dis
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
it soundz reall
fanman says:
obviously diz was played
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
but da tech he uses isnt finga tech
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ah… I could borrow a digital camera… lol, I don’t need it to take more than a minute of footage
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and the visual would make up for the extreme crappyness of the sound
fanman says:
and wazz da random fade out at da end?
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and, I could do it on one of the SMDs at the school instead of this digital thing in my room
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
that was me saying the hell with this
fanman says:
hahaha ic
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
chris u r a fuckin legend
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
wit a fuckin HOTT ex gf
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
alright, well wait til tommorow then, I don’t have a camera myself
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
but I have to prove myself here
fanman says:
diz iz will be hilariously FUUUUURIOUS on cam
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
25-1 in a minute is very possible
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
well, also bring along nuddy pix of dat girl
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
we’ll see
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hahahahaha fo real?
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
hahahahaha you wish
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I’m keeping them for myself
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
i iz juss makin in clear, dat u were aone lucky MUTHAFUCKAH
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
why do you say that? It’s not luck that I go out with hot people
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
well man, u wud be RESPECED by da SDC foevah
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
if u provided da nuddiez
fanman says:
chris man, i’m looking at diz perf on sheet
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
]i did dat too
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
it’s gotta be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen
fanman says:
and u know why u did it in undah 1 min?
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
why’s that?
fanman says:
coz u played less den half da notez
fanman says:
and diz aint exaggerrating man
fanman says:
all u did waz a melody and a rolled chord
fanman says:
i’m listening to diz on half tempo now
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
alright, alright, let me do it again, I’ll be sure to press them all down, when I show you a vid, you’ll see that my hands are all over the place where they should be
fanman says:
obviously they would be
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hahaha, but zepp
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
da CHRIS takes da SDC to a whole nu level
fanman says:
coz u did try and get all da melody notez and da chord position, no onez doubting dat
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
dat rec iz pure hilarious genius
fanman says:
but u know what CHRIS
fanman says:
i reckon u actually didnt cheat on purpose
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha dats obvious
fanman says:
diz iz simply da natural consequence of reaching such speedz
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
hrm, it won’t let me send files
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I just recorded another one, which about twice as many notes as the last
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
not all right
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
but they’re there
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
chris, u embody da SDC
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
heheh, only in fun… I had to practice freaking 9 hours today on serious stuff… got juries on tuesday
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
comme, accept that and send it over to zipp
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
zepp, that is
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
well i haff to go in a sec
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I even stopped and almost lost it in that rec, and still put it under a minute
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
dats da SDC attitude
fanman says:
FUCK why iz diz so soft
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
hrm, maybe I had my settings turned down
fanman says:
i need adjust da volumn fo dis sheeeyat
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
da chris has mastered da art of ppppppppppp
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
If I could play 25-1 in under at minute at a true pppppppppp, I would be god
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
FUCK i cant hear diz
fanman says:
comme do u hear it?
fanman says:
from looking at da sheetz it does look like more notez den da last attempt
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
wierd, I can hear it just fine
fanman says:
i hear it in a tru pppppppp
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
in mah composin prog itz loudah
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
what do yo uuse?
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I’d like to see what the hell I played too
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
melody assistant
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
i prefer it to sibelius
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
cool, I’ll see about it
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
hahaha eh?
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
he does an ornstein style splatter
fanman says:
HAHAHAHAHA i see diz on da sheeeyat
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
but still in fuckin ppppp
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
chris i haff a nufound respec fo yo skillz
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
nd above all
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
yo comedic genius
fanman says:
da comme speakz
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
heh, thank you… thank you very much
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
yo chris
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I should record mazeppa here too
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
we need to ear yo appassionata finale too sometime
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
heheheh, I haven’t practiced appassionata in freaking forever… if you want to hear it in splat style, I’ll play it now
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hahaha YES
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
alright alright, it’s going to be utter shit, but give me just asec
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
want me to do just the coda?
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha yep
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i’m too damn tired to do the whole thing
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cos i haff to go
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
and of course, I’ll play it as fast as I freaking can
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha YES
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
chris u fuckin legend
fanman says:
make shor da volumn iz on HIIIIIGH
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha YES
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
send that over comme?
fanman says:
mee too
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
the title says it all
fanman says:
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I can’t fucking play anything tonight
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
da ornstein additionz
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
i concur diz iz sheeeeeer genius
fanman says:
and i’m hearing da 25/1 take2 on full volumn now
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
it’s something anyway
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
yo zepp
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
post dis sheeyat, and da convo preferablky
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I’m about to go to bed though… I gotta get up at 6 to start serious work again… juries on tuesday, and a 30 page paper on lou harrison’s piano concerto both due tuesday
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
HAHAHAHAHA chriz diz iz still rolled chordz man, especially da LH
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
may da FURY be wit u
fanman says:
but obviously, REEEEEESPEC
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
oh, I know it is there, heh
fanman says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hahaha, u haff been influenced by da thrac
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
give me a few days… after next wednesday when school settles down, I’ll put together a few serious SDC recs
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hahahaha MUCH RESPEC
fanman says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha aight, im out
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
zepp u gonna post ids?
fanman says:
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hah god
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
fanman says:
u save da convo too
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
take it easy, thanks for the godowsky music too, that’s next on the list after school gets out… that and the grieg concerto
fanman says:
incase i fuck up
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
hahahaha ic
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha respec, any time chris
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
u r a tru mofo
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
heh, talk to you later
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
haha cyah
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
and u too zepp
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
im out
fanman says:
hahahaha respec to u both
I don?t eat snails. I prefer fast food says:
respec to all mofos
cgosnell220@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) says: