hello, does anyone of you have theses pieces? i read about them and they must be really good to improve technical skills! would be great if some of you guys could help me…
i have some of them in pdf files and i would upload it for you , but till you have the number “666” in your nickname this won’t happen .
change your nickname and u’ll get da excercises !
oh you don’t like that number? ^^ i don’t care i added it just for fun, but if you really want that and tell me how to do it i can change it
go click on profile and change it !
no i don’t think it goes that easy, theres no typefield in my profile in which i could change my nick, i think the admin has to do this
dat’s troo
moi wanna change mah nickname back to “da rectum” too
but i can"t
fuck it , now i got pwnd …
wait a mo and ill be uploadin some of da sheeyatz
here you go the first 3 books
but sincerely , these excercises are not good , the best way to improve technical skill without losing sense of touch is to play etudes specially Chopetz …
but here ya go !
ok thats cool, big thanks!
I practised some of them today, they seem to be really good to me! does anyone have the other books? would be great!
: “any exercice iz gud”
randomly da chop exercises iz a bit low-carb compard to da pimp
fuck u in all ur holez ! chopetz are useful and bettah for da bezt penizes … and randomly da ztupid penizes need something to show off ofcourse … and let it be your vagina for la leggierezza!
haha, da patriotism
can u fix tha links i just want to check out this sheeyat randomly