Ma Brendull dizz … 219.0.html


i couldn’t agree more SMD…altho i nevah made it to liztenin to hiz beethoven. tha firszt and laszt i heard of dis non-legend wuz hiz pimp stuff but i had to turn it off after about 5 mins cuz i started developin a stomach virus and had some puss lyke discharge from mah left ear

fairly cg :dong:

wut ure brendull dizz lacks iz something concrete. for instance WUT iz it u dun leik about his playing.

-da Meph(I am in no way on Brendell`s side. Since I have only heard one piece by him)

i had did that awhile back, but that was a sincere argument and discussion

this one is simply my expression for the distaste i have for him.

haha. da schabe iz bezt. 8)

So, I take it Im very lucky for never having heard a piece by this idiot?

Keep it that way
