da JEFF 8)

Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
da comme
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
da jeff iz actually immerzely zad recently
Samael says:
daim y?
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahaha i dun actually know why i am livin anymore
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
diz world iz proven to be mo harzh dan i expect tiz to b
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
und i can’t feel ma exiztence in other form inztead of dezpair and dizzapointment
Samael says:
hahaha daim u zhud make a topic on da SDC
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahaha feel free actually
Samael says:
ve vil zupport u in yo hour of need
Samael says:

Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahhaha iv u zupport me
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
dan remember to take off da life-zupport zyztem in caze i iz in a coma in da hozpital and pozz won’t wake up
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
da state of eternal unconsciouznezz iz ma eternal blezzing and liberation from da zuffering
Samael says:
hahahahaha fuck!!?
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahah tru
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
a bit emo-jeff
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:

Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
have u ever wonder if i even meant doez ‘hahahahahahaha’
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
or tiz juzt a dizguize, a facade, to hide away ma zorrow thru da fabricated-mofonezz?
Samael says:
hahahahaha fuck
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hghahahah u haf no word ov comfort fo moi/?

zo lez help da jeff togetha :chop: :dong:


Samael says:
i heard u iz really gifted :wink:
Samael says:
kinda blezzed :wink:
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahahahaha fuck
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
i iz wvitnezzing da Vol HR13
Samael says:
iz diz
Samael says:
a lifechangin experience? 8)
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
ahahah a bit no
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
i iz gonna kill mazelf now
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
Samael says:
hahaha wtf?!?!
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
ahhaah random zleep
Samael says:
hahaha juz fo 8 hrz? 8)
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
or maybe
Samael says:
hahaha zleep well
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
zleep iz gud
Samael says:
hahaha tru dream of tomorro
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahah a bit untru
Samael says:
a betta day
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
i iz not lukin forward
Samael says:
hahaha dere iz hot chix in hong kong
Samael says:
juz go fuck 1
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
i vil
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
anal rapage
Samael says:
ahhaha rezpec
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
a bit tainting da innocence in da filthizt oriface to defeceat durin da procezz ov zumthin beautiful
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
hahahahaha fuck i iz lozin it
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
Jeff - (Yep, that’s Mii) Colts Vs Bears!!! FINLLY in 3 YEARS says:
i vil chat wif u in 8 hourz
Samael says:
hahaha rezpec

haha I predicked zum cut emotion aftah diz 8)

life goes on. what can i say. i dont think u gonna attempt suicide considering ur education. same sheeyat here, jeff. da best time in one’s life is being a student. u can literally chill everyday w/o having to worry about ur future. I never really appreciate being a student (hate typing papahz) until I graduated.

now i have to worry about my job. not to mention about marriage and kids in the long run…fuckkkk…tiz sad. u work hard to feed ur kids and ur family but they can pozz kick u out or leave u alone when u iz old.

the way i see iz dat many mofoz work their ass off so that they can live well. it’s typical in today’s society that ppl work like 9 hrs a day. if i include the time it takes to travel to the office in the morning and evening, that’s even sheeyatah b/c of da traffic jam. anyway, we eat and then we take a shit (what a waste 8)) there are times too when i wake up in the morning thinking why da fuck do i have to wake up this early despite da fact that im sleepy like sheeyat and when looking at da windowz, kinda gloomy, i really feel like dying.

jeff, da SDC iz da best place for therapy. I visit this site mainly b/c i want to get rid of my stress. this place does give u a good laugh. u randomly iz away for quite a while. tiz evident why ur life iz abit dezpair and full of sheeyatnezz and disappointment. Don’t think much, man. Chill …
