Can you answer seriously? Or is that beyond your mofo capabilities?
Can you answer seriously? Or is that beyond your mofo capabilities?
diz iz quite serious
i can only speak for myself but…
after 2 years of playin (started at 15) i played da 10-12 at a pretty good speed
deen i played da 25-12 (i know, da comme beat me )
da next year i played da chop op. 53 at mah first concert
now it has been 5 years total since started, so while i am probably not at da par as some of da othaz here, i have done pretty well for not startiong at a young age and only having limited time to express mah fury
da othaz will have to answer for demselves
Heh. Y’all sound more serious about piano playing than I am.
Well… I would be more, but… I don’t have the time u.u
I spend too much time online. I figured if I sign up at a piano website, I’d get the inspiration.
HAHAHAHA dat may have da oppozite effect, u will end up spendin mo time online den evah
haha, datz rite
da should know…
Hell, I spend a lot of time online.
I’d rather be talking about Chopin than RPGs.
hahahahahaha, da raw penile girth
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant ^o)
pip, juzt unleash yo FURY
datz all u need to know
da pi(m)p
Aeternus owns you. says:
Davey’s fucking HOT
da bald cunt says:
da bald cunt says:
he doeznt haff a 5 foot cock
Aeternus owns you. says:
da bald cunt says:
unlike da dong
Aeternus owns you. says:
5 ft’s stupid
da bald cunt says:
not fo da dong
da bald cunt says:
he lykz whale rape
Aeternus owns you. says:
da bald cunt says:
haffin an average 6 inch wont cum in handy when u prefer whalez
da bald cunt says:
tiz tru
Aeternus owns you. says:
hahaha da GCZE candidatez entering from da sdc should be giffen 20 minz to do all da science paperz and 30 minutes fo da rezt of all yo examz and 10 minutes fo math. all yo GCZE’z done in an houah!
i can do it in lyk 5 min.
ahahahahah da fuckin pip clazzic topix
hahaha tru
where iz diz legend?
hahahaha but pozzibly a bit young fo yo azz
Da Pip iz fiting a RS + WOW Addiction zo pleaze help her get addicted to da 88 or 97 if zhe likez bozenz…
Ztay plz.
Play z*wly so you cn play wid fury tru