modern classical - wheres da fury?

hahah tru i zaw :doc: play da concorde

lucky bastard. i woulda killed to see that.

I’d sell :dong: into slavery to see it. :rectum:

i’d sell :dong: into zlavery juzt to see him suffah

I agree man. The vast majority of modern piano composers write wimpy neo classical new age bullshit. I loved the image you painted of someone sitting in front of a fire with a white turtleneck holding a dove. haha, I agree. FUCK THAT SHIT. :rock:


What composers?

-da Meph

There ain’t anything warm and cozy about Danielpour’s music.

That’s only cos da man’s music is more like brown and turd-shaped and smellin like a monkey’s butt.

You guys all forgot mah main man Horatiu Rad-u-lesc-u, da boss dude of the Spectralist Massive. Respek him for da five piano sonatas what kick ass like a tasty punani and respek him for a piano concerto the size of da pimpmobile. De piano concerto even uses da same tunes dat da MASTAH BARTOK used in some of piano fury. And da sonatas are obsessive like a monster wanksta rammin it home all nite long. Don respek him for his bling, though. Dat man don’t get street style.

zomebody get tha lynch mob :whale:

ahahahahahahahah da goatse a legendary zite

because he is finish oh because u dun leik his music?

-da Meph


heard 1 of hiz guitar piecez. fairly tru but yet quite gay

i actually heard some of its music. it is kinda furious at some points, but very atmospheric also. i havent much other music like it before. id liek to see sheets to it someday.

another modern composer with fury: nikolai kapustin. his stuff is jazzy and hard as fuck. his variations are one of the hardest pieces ive ever played. :doc: owns his 2nd sonata.

def. agreed
