MT's Chopets from Seattle (op. 10)

Timing: 26 minutes, 40 seconds :ziff:



wutz da timingz of da #3 n da #6? 8)

hahahaha good question 8)
any way we can hear those koji ?

hahaah it iz 1 minute and 30 seconds to slow for sdc approval.

Look at this:

10/1: 1’50 = 1.50
10/2: 1’20 = 3.10
10/3 3.40 = 6.50*
10/4: 1’50 = 8.40
10/5: 1’30 = 10.10
10/6: 3.10 = 13.10*
10/7: 1’30 = 14.40
10/8: 2’10 = 16.50
10/9: 1’50 = 18.40
10/10: 1’50 = 20.30
10/11: 2.15 = 22.45*
10/12: 2.10 = 24.55

26.40>24.55 :ziff:

  • There exists no official SDC timing for etude opus 10.3, 10,6 and 10.11. Opus 10,3 is blank. Therefor I have used Pollinis timing. opus 10.6 is also blank therefor I have also used Pollini for this one. OPus 10.11 is"faster than Cortot will do it". Personally I havent got the Cortot CD at this moment therfor I use Pollini for this etude to. I am not sure if the SDC board would approve this since Pollini is even slower than MJ(26.52). But I hope the SD board still will take this serious and make MJ in to an anti SDC and an enemy of this community.

-The Mephisto

He might post 'em on Whitekeys.


hahahaha da meph, we iz hoping fo 10sec pauzez between every sheeyat. n when u account fo da SDC timing method, diz iz pozzible, pozzibly 8)

hu iz MJ?

da cluelss rock


If I remember correctly, Nelson Freire does it in 20:14, saves up a lot of time in the 10/9. (without pauses, that is)
I could of course be very wrong, not that I care :sunglasses:.

iznt he da mofo how playz ‘complete’ chopetz, n skipz da 10/2? 8)

hahahah is dat tru?

correct 8)

it’s on the cd i saw though

Hahahaha! Cuz wid diz shit it wud be exactly 26’40" :stop:


Friere’s recording (studio) is at 29:00


hahahahahahhaa, da KOJI correctz

datz still wizout da 10/2 8)