Curious what y’all think of my performance. Nothing live, just in my living room.
hahhaha velcum
wat iz wit deze new membaz whu dun uze da mofo language
nice TE, bit on da zl*w zide, but rezpecable.
Zpeed: 3/10
Moizt(muzicality): 10/10
Tech: 8/10
Overall: 8/10
tankz 4 da responz un da nlitn’n critiq
vil uz propur lingo in da futa
reflect da lnguage in yo mzic
hahaha az uget uzed to it u will c zum thingz
dun uze random numbahz like “tankz 4 da”
alzo dun make tooo many zpellin miztakez diz a bit throz da othah ppl off, diz muzt make phontetical zense pozzibly.
tiz only haff n in da uzin z n sheeyat, da othah haf iz da gnezui zentence ztructure
hope u ztay
i’s gon practize my lingo UND my lizt
Michael Aron Welcome! Did you get an email from that mofo yet???
me gots no email from no mofo.
btw, it’s michaelanron, which is a pseudonym anyway…
thankx for the welcome.
ahahhaa daim! rezpec thiz well-thought out, zoulful-fury interp
i iz alzo workin on thiz sheeyat n vil lykly zteal sum of yo ideaz. i do haf one point fo u to conzidah in tha climax fury sect. try to zhape the D flat oct which iz repeatin lyk zo to make it mo intenze:
each bar leadin up to tha FURY climax shud ztart out a bit loudah than tha lazt one ztartd out n git loudah than tha lazt one got. tha moz important sheeyat iz when it reach tha FMINOR that iz tha note u iz alwayz headed fo tru
rezpec yo ill ztyle
many thanks rob.
me likes your ideaz.
lookin forward to 'earin your recording.
HAHhaha diz clazzic example
- (Right-Click, “Save Target As…”)
da Rob’z new way of dynamic notation
mucho genzui
need some sophisticated organizing of the system, den tiz shud be included in da compulsory SDC syllabus.
I like this interpretation very much, maybe slower than the typical one, so what, for this particular TE I don’t care that much about speed - romantisized like it should be…
good job
I can’t wait to hear Rob’s as well
HAHAHA da rob’s gensui guide to da appasheeyanata.
randomly da rob pulled an ORGY tactic n slit hiz fingahz, now he iz in a bit of pain (predicktably) n vil mozt lykely NOT be playin himzelf in da muslim-jap doc
tiz tru
ahhh i hope you’re kidding