New Arcane and Unfollowable Transfer / Record Making / Remaster Thread

I like Berman lemme just go ahead and Tremelo this rhythmic shit cuz nobody care.


in da hall it sound about the same that way LMAO

given da insane acoustics in da great hall of da Moscow conz… yeah.

If I had more resources I’d make a documentary about orio.

I would becum da Poony or Foxy biographer :redface:

or da Flowah bio. Title: “green is the color of grass”
whoa perfect.


Doing ogdon gaspard now. It’s hard to hear his play after reading that bio. I just want to reach through time and tell him to get a better quality skank or suck off some sailors or whatever makes a pianist good then.


yeah he was so messed up emotionally. Sad.

Should have gotten a really supportive Russian skank named Tatiana and settled in da Soviet Union.

100% he didn’t seem political so would have gotten good medical care and probably treated like a demigod as one of few non jewish pianists who played well.

I guess he just did not want to have a KGB handler wife

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You are welcome earth!

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I want a Poony FlapHard

I recall when da Fei :turkey: programmed diz at da J…

… and took it off da prog after announcing it.

This interp frayed and weird but I’m not disliking it so far. Michelangeli did such immense damage to this rep stylistically nice to hear something other than that crystalline perfecto way. Sounds like a wikid improv. This probably the underlying appeal of sight and brain rapes.

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we’d all dig da Cortot long lost gasp hard from 1939 tbh

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he’d approximate it like he did with bits in da Alpeniz Tree-Anna and make it MORE WIKID

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I can’t believe I threw away the cortot albeniz and scrib recs. Apartment still cluttered. Was for not!

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I went from “DUN TAMPER WITH PIMP SCORES” to juz mixing and matching editions.

Long ago I wuz like “daim da Bus such a fag for transcribing da AD NOZ back for piano” and now I transcribed a pimp organ + choral work and dun give a FUCK what anyone says.


Unless somebody REALLY wants it not gonna do his sight reading of this garbage on the other side.

Score, cziff autographed and with personal note on his copy of Brahms pags. For 8 bucks.


“Sup, bitch #4. Yeah my wife is out of town again so meet me in da usual cheap hotel in the outskirts town. I’m not overpaying for an expensive hotel like last time, you think money grows on trees? You know how hard I have to practice for my concerts?
Oh and here’s my latest record which I self-produced because EMI asses won’t let me record everything I want. You’d do better hearing me live, to be honest. Anyway, shave the kitty (we all know you are a real Frenchwoman but damn, it’s an overgrown garden down there) and see you soon. I’m Cziffra and you have to make SOME kind of effort. I’ve already abandoned all hope of you doing something other than just lying there. Abandon all hope, reminds me of Dante’s Inferno. Really, you’d do well hearing my Dante Sonata. Or opening a book, at this point I’ll settle for you reading the weather report.
P.S. No I can’t stay the night, stop asking, you already know the answer.

Much love. Hope you’re doing well now that you finished school.

-Da Ziff”

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