I listened to the live Horowitz recording of Scriabin Sonata 5 and am convinced it iz one of the greatest pieces evah written 4 da 88.

tru thatz whut makez a penizt great :ho:

of course. Scriabin really IZ GOD.

-da Meph

nevah lyked da 5th. Mah least fav of da sonataz. da first n 8th iz da best

Richter’s no 5 owns Horowitz’s imo. Horowitz is too quirky and his tech is a bit weaker than Richter’s.

Plus, nobody quite handles those leaps as well as Richter.

What do you not like about it?

-da Meph

Richter’s is a bit HOLY FUCKING SHIT 8) How he dives into the coda is just shit in yo pants.

But I guess I prefer Vlad’s quirkyness. 8)

Vlad, Richter, Sofro and Feinberg are MUST hear recs of this sonata.

This is also probably one of my fav 88 pieces :scrib:

Horowitz his tech is a bit weaker than Richter’s.


Normully, me rezpecs da sheeyat dat comes out of yo mouth, buuut dat is straight diarrea dat just spooed out

Gould’s Scriabin 5 > Richter’s 8)

U iz pulling me leg, right? Do u have a record of it you can upload?

Gould did record the 3rd and 5th sonata. i have only heard the 5th. its not bad, but it is just to slow for this piece so it isnt as emotional as it could be.

-da Meph

I was kidding. Gould’s Scriabin 5 is alright. Richter’s is definitely more exciting. Gould’s is only interesting for his refusal to play ‘hyper-virtuosically’. Everything is really clean, but Gould also obnoxiously avoids/ignores lots of Scriabin’s markings.

However, Gould’s Scriabin 3 is brilliantly conceived (and the slow mvt is GORGEOUS).

But as far as I’m concerned, Horowitz is undisputed master of 5 and thus totally owns it.

Randomly, here is the Scriabin that Gould recorded: … 9B073C376C

mostly da sound of it

daaaaim u iz sharp wit da tongue :doc:

hahahaah wtf da smart-ass shredda; not to my tatse :frowning:

-da Meph


ahhh da Scriabin zonata 5… nice intro and strange ending… but hard to play… legendary piece

Are you trying to get 100 posts or what?

leave da poor child alone 8)

hahahahahaha da shreddah wuz rippin da board back in dez dayz 2 ? 8)

da zhreddah zhudn’t haf zhred hiz own ballz, da lack of testosterone induce da inevitable gheynezz and… pozz

bitch titz :slight_smile: :fight club: