performance anomalies

i randomly have the hiccups right now and it occurred to me how crappy it’d be if i got the hiccups right before performing. other than da barere croakin on da griegcon, what are some performance anomalies that you are aware of or have seen? this can be for legendary pianists, pianists you know or are at your school, or maybe even yourself. i mean shit like…hiccups, maybe having to piss so bad that they had to leave in the middle of the piece (or maybe da pissin of da pants, a worthy sacrifice for finishing a :brotha: son), da random loud gas, da legendary sneeze all over da 88 (or even worse, da vomit all over da 88, perhaps when playing some :pimp: [ :wink: Catz]), da yawn (possibly when playing schumann), etc.

ive never seen anything like that, really. the closest ive done is one time i caused minor damage to the recital hall piano at my school during our studio performance class…i hit a big LH octave and something clanked. it wasnt a big deal, though. also, da goode going up to the out-of-tune piano and coming back is a bit legendary.

getting a boner during recital would be a bit random, n cough is very annoying too, n maybe if ur nose, ear or balls start itching when u iz playing n dere is no chance to scrath



this iz pozibly actually permissable in tha Mofoz United sheeyatz

actually, da donga grimaces dat i saw in concert were pretty bad, tiz tru

dere wuz diz kid in ma school

every tiem he played da ZARTZ rondo alla turca he uzed to get a bonah and make orgazmic noizez

i fink he iz a child pron ztar now


Katchen claims to have cummed (whether metaphorically or literally, I don’t know) in the 2nd movement of the Brahms 3rd sonata.


yuck too much info.

rubinstein told a story about how he once got his fingernail stuck in between two keys and ripped it. Then there was blood over the keyboard but he continued on like a real trooper.



cazadezuz refuzed to play da ravel’z alborado aftah zeeing zome one play it and there wuz blood on da keyz aftah da glizzandoz


:whale: harzh

I heard Nelita True threw up all over da 88 during a concerto performance. Fuckkkkkk