Pic of me and Da Shrimp, randomly


holy shit…u r one nerdy, ugly, stupid, ghey-looking motherfucker…

haha no hez da one on da rite 8)



da Shrimp: So, we could have a piano party at my suite…
da Bren: unlikly…
da Shrimp: :blush:

says da lil’fuck who can’t play 8)


:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

DAIM! you have EARS 8)

why doez da shrimp looks all alike in all pics

Tiz tru, hiz hair and suits seem to be from da 1977, perhaps he haz da disco fixation; he hang wid da ho :ho: at da Studio 54, iz his wet dream… :shrimp: :ho: :blush: :wink:

O Rly? Ok, douchebag…u go…

hjahaha untru… u suk 8)

y dunt u go suk da dick of ur down’s syndrome plagued friend?

milfhunter, you are on the verge of getting banned for dizzing da BREN himzelf

he may not look like much, but sheeyat, he haz FURY

take da DOCTAH az an ezample… 8)

oh shit…da dongah himself has spoken…i obey i obey…i keed bout my former pozts…please fuhgeeve me and dont punish me with ur 30 inch peeniz!!! thanks!!! :blush:

btw, i didnt know it was possible to get banned here…heh

many a mofo haz been banned

wut did they do?

ps. r u comme?

[size=200]BANNED [/size] :bar: :bar: :bar: :bar:

:shrimp: :doc:

:brotha: “hiz face vil fall off in 10 yrz” 8)

Hahaha, wikid coat. 8)