Quiz fo da tru sd mofo

OK, here iz da quiz fo da tru mofos!

The one who solvez da quiz first iz officially awarded da title of da 1337 sheeyat music master! Da excerptz are all froml standard SD repertoire

hahahah FUCK i got tha firzt two but thiz lazt one it a bit confounding

i vil think hardah

hahaha if tha lazt one iz by :chop: tiz unlykly i vil evah git it

Hint: Tha last one iz a transcription…

yo ROB. i’ll trade u no. 3 fo no. 1 n we can split da title 8)

da 1zt iz da :comme: rocky3
da 2nd iz a random hozart rondo, forgot which one
da 3rd iz a czerny noct

no, diz iz unfortunately all totally wrong… itz neither czerny nor da rock nor da mozart

Rob, Skepto: Post wut u know :laughing:

the 2nd looks like the prokofiev tocatta to me

mik… yo are good, man :wink:

tha 1zt iz tha RAVEL Alborado del GRAZIOZO sheeyat


I donated 10 ziffro fo yor wise anzwer :smiley:

i want sum 10 ziffroz too :frowning:

Den tell me wut tha last score iz, n I will donate even 50 ziffros!

well, since nobody else seems to know, No. 3 is from the Bach-Busoni Chaconne BWV1004 in F Minor

hahaha yep, zumhow i randomly know all diz

da albodong rav

da prick tocc

n da bach/buz chac

in D Minah

haha fuck da D n F are right next to eachothah on da keyboard :blush:

wow u guys r good. the only one i could guess was the proktoc

RESPEC :comme: