Rach 4th concerto underated, underplayed?

First of all mah question iz, iz dis piece underrated? coz it seems like it to me.

2nd of all, if so, why iz it underrated?

it happenz to be mah favourite rach concerto coz of da more modern harmonic progressions and itz mo rebellious.

let me hear your say.


I love Rach, he’s my favorite composer, and this piece has it’s moments, but it isn’t popular because his other’s are basically the best thing that’s ever happened to PC repitoire.

no offence , but random BS

none taken, but what’s a bigger contribution to the piano concerto repitoire over the last 300 years then the Rach PCs? The Chopin concertos? :unamused:

anything you can name from the romantic era from one composer?

you don’t think that the 4th concerto’s low popularity has anything to do with the other 4 major PCs genius and high popularity?

btw, lets try making this a real discussion rather than a 5 year old fight like the other thread.

PC question: Bach PC, Mozart PC No.20,21,23,24, Beethoven 1-5, Brahms 1,2, Tch 1,2.

Yes, I just did.

No, the no.4 is just as good. It’s underplayed, it’s just your perception and situational difference: Rach4 is very oftenly played and performed in Russia(geographic difference), and just like Rach3, it was very underplayed relative to the 2nd concerto (after Horowitz came along, things changed), but don’t forget Rach3 was once one of the most underplayed Concerto too. (Only 2nd was the popular one thru out the time, so this is epoch difference)

To me, Michelangeli did a good job on No.4 by bringing out some experiemental chromanticism and jazz-theme which Rachmaninoff often use in the late works (etude tableux and the 2nd set of Prelude and some transcriptions.)

Hope this is not child-fight-ist for u

can you tell me den if you haff found any vids from da elite pros playing Rach4?


I like this one, especially the second movement with the raclette theme.

If I remember correctly his first version of Rocky IV got horrible critic reviews :chop: :rock: :chop:

HAHAHAHA tru. i guess greater and mo complex harmonization does not work wiv da conservative uppah class earz.


he edited it at least two times i think.

but then Brahms (both) piano concerti and Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring both got terrible critics reviews.
History has proven that the only thing terriblt about those reviews are the critics themselves.

da ZLIT live rec on her zite iz randomly da bez rec of diz piece :lib:

da HOG dizagreez and so do I.

Haha i randomly always have a picture of the three blind mice in my mind when listening to the slow movement.


About da Brahms diz iz a bit untru. Da PC1 got bad reviews, but da PC2 was a great success, according to da wikipedia.

Nah… It’s overrated. Listen to no. 1 and u see that concerto no. 1 pwns no. 4, but isn’t played much more. No. 4 sounds like jazz…

OK, that’s totally not true. The Beethoven concerti are not all bigger contributions to the concerto repertoire. In fact, that’s slightly horse shit. 4 and 5 are pretty revolutionary and pretty fuckin unbelievable, but the first three, they’re great but they aren’t better than Rach, period.

By saying “bigger contribution to the pc rep”, I’m inferring that you mean better compositions or perhaps compositions with more substantial “new” material. Tchaik 1 and 2 fall under neither category, nor does Mozart 21. And don’t give me any of that Mozart is liek omg awesum shit. Mozart 21 has pretty much the same things he did in 1-20. Thrilling.

Oh and good call on the Bach piano concerto. That was probably the first piano concerto ever written wasn’t it? It was so ahead of its time. Oh, that’s because the piano didn’t exist back then. Right.


The Rach are the most popular, if you want to argue with evidence.

There’s no way Bach’s were a bigger contribution, and you can argue Tchaik, and Mozart, but only one of those composers is played the most.


concerti that made bigger contribution and concerti that made bigger success are diffefent ! :slight_smile:
how can you say the 1-2-3 Beethoven concerti are no big deal ?
most of the romantics had to get something from beethoven and beethoven taught them if not ni reality , he taught them with his music. just like Mozart had an influence in Beethoven :slight_smile: whereas not many composers could take much from tha Rach , and if they did , they were like pwnd. thats my opinion. Beethoven’z [size=200]5[/size] piano concertos are from the most elite presents that could be given to the music world.

short answer: no
long answer: Nope