Radiohead live in Paris - Rock en Seine Festival 26-08-2006

mp3 format
Sum new songs in there 8)

here iz da tracklizt :
01 - Intro
02 - Airbag
03 - 2+2=5
04 - The national anthem
05 - My iron lung
06 - Morning bell
07 - Fake plastic trees
08 - Videotape (new song)
09 - Nude (not new, but still unreleased)
10 - The gloaming
11 - Paranoid Android
12 - All I need (new song)
13 - Pyramid song
14 - Lucky
15 - The bends
16 - I might be wrong
17 - Idioteque
18 - Everything in its right place
19 - You and whose army
20 - Bodysnatchers (new song)
21 - There there
22 - Karma police

Respectable show, but da Montreal shows (one of which I went to :slight_smile:) are fucking insane. I only haff dem in FLAC format which are huge, so if any of u mofoz can tell me how to convert to something smaller I might post dem 8)

Use this program

Open it up, Right click and set the options (Quality, output dir, etc) then drag all the Flac files into the box

Easy as pie

respec, thanks

did u get da show?

Yeah, i don’t like it. I kinda hate his live singing. He’s ok on the CDs, but I really don’t enjoy his voice LIVE.

haha sweet a new forum

I will admit that I am a radiohead freak, I may even be more addicted to them than I am to classical music…i have every concert from their recent tour except for 2 or 3 for which bootlegs havent surfaced yet, I even have a boot vid of this very concert, and then about 150gigs of boots from the last 14 years…hehe, wasnt exagerating with the freak label…so if you have any requests just ask

this was one of the festivals they played at the end of the tour and doesnt have as many new songs as they were playing at the other more intimate venues…they were playing probably 9-10 new songs through most of the tour

for sum sdc style from this concert check out “I Might Be Wrong”…they played it way faster than normal…you should see the vid, absolutely nuts, they just rock out completely

the new album is going to rock…back to OK Computer symphonic guitar style radiohead

and im definately in envy of fake…i have yet to see them live :cry:

HAHAHA da tru way respec!

tru da early shows are amazing, I figured I’d start slowly den unleash da new trackz 8)

and tru live they are inzanely good 8)

Tru, dey are amazing live. I saw dem at da Staplez Center here in LA awhile back. Definitely worth da 200 bucks!

HAHAHAHAHA WTF mah ticket cost me 50 CANADIAN buckz n I wuz in da sixth row from da front.


HAHAH Tru. But If you realize how big a city Los Angelez iz, and how popular Radiohead iz to peepz here, they would jack up da pricez

haha randomly all da ticketz foh da 2 radiohead shows in montreal were sold out in 8 minutez, so there iz sum massive popularity here too.

Da american way iz just a bit sheeyat :laughing: