random maztahclazz on da 88ztreet

da ztudent: http://www.pianostreet.com/smf/index.php/topic,19871.0.html

da teachah: http://www.pianostreet.com/smf/index.php/topic,19875.0.html

da topic of diz lezzon:

clarification on da often abuzed n mizuzed concept of TWICE DA ZPEED 8)


tha quazi-ondine 10/1 perf ztill in record :stop:

rezpec tha legendary ticklah!!!

i vil git thiz ZHEER interp now n c


ahahaha tiz a 2’43 interp, alzo a new recodr pozzibly :doc:

hahaha legendary :whale:

hahahaha rob next tym tiz yo turn to infiltrate da 88ztreet audition room wiz diz impromptu maztahclazz format.

EDIT: tho i c da GODFATHA 47 topic haff made a random cumback alzo tru


I dug dat one up 8)

ahahAHAHAHAhahaha rezpec tha random BREW ZEPP revival of tha clazzic GODFATHA sheeyat! tru pozzibly i cud write it down :ho:

hey which part was the tarantella from? I wuz just watching the godfather the other day but don’t remember hearing it. and randomly tiz one of my favourite movies! Tru :rock:

ahahaha im not zho righ now, but i think pozzibly from tha daughtrz weddin when tha mofo triez to git tha orch to play it, but they go into tha yankeedoodle

pozzilby i dun rememba eitha


Can’t be sure - az i haffn’t zeen da movie, but tiz moz lykly dat da tarantella iz from da Mendy’s 4th symph.

ahahahaha rezpec tha Man zpellin tha “da” lyk “tha” tru…pozzibly thiz influencd mahbadzelfz rebel “tha” inztead of “da”

ahahahah tha mendl…on a random note i got way to wazted lazt nyt conzidrein i haff a arndom harmony exam thiz mornin i wuz lyk “fuck i can drink a sheeyat load becuz tha harmony dun require too much thinking” but now i haff a bit of tha BREW vaguenezz going on pozzibly

aahhaha fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk

piece :rock:

hahaha man, da vaguenezz iz da reazon I stopped drinking. moztly :rudy:

hahahah da rob zteal da direction of diz thread

twice 8)