haha the added shit in the first minutes is so much better than the original, makes me wanna relearn
FUCK i forgot how good that quasi electric guitar was I once “remixed” that into this countermoving polyrythmic arpeggio thingie in both hands… sounds better than it was though
RESPEC the coda haha damn man this is so my kind of music
i hope you actually have sheetmusic to this now, last time i had to print this out from the midi and i put it in finale. it like randomly put it all into 5 bars per system and it was a cunt to figure out
ahaha tru a lot of tha tym im writin random chordz and im lyk daim thiz inzane chord FUCKK…and then i look pazt all tha needlezz accidentalz n tiz randomly e major or zum sheeyat