
If any of you u iz familiar with the Stumble Upon browser feature, you’ll know that it iz pozzible to randomly find random sitez in a particulah categorah (this site wuz arbitrarily added in the "Music Composition catergorah). Mofos who haff downloaded this featchyah are able to add sitez to the random list. Hof course, I have done mah duty in adding this wikid site to the list. Here’s mah review (pleaze excuze the language :blush:):

stumbleupon.com/url/dasdc.ne … /index.php

It iz yo obligation to download this feature, visit this site, rate it and give good reviews. It’z pozzible to have more unsuspecting mofos turned to the wayz of the SDC.

…well, you know who I be by now


but da question remains, do you know who i be?

i think you do

or do you 8)

Hahah you silly pirate. How did i miss this?
