Return of da tibidi!!!!

DA TRU FUCKIN MOFO returnz to assualt da pianoforum wit hiz unmatched GENSUI, and unknowinly go head to heard wit da legendary RASTA!!!,6299.0.html

Da mindbending philosophical GENSUI:

Da infamous RASTA diss:

Da obligatory random insertion of da shrimp:

More shrimp, plus da trademark conspiracy theory:

a random variation on da trademark:

a random back down:

Hahaha da modesty of da final summation:



hahahaha dayuuum! da tibidi iz indeed a genuis. da best sheeyat iz when he attacks people who agree with him (like mi julie :wink: ) 8)

HAHAHAHA diz aspect of hiz gensui defiez imitation. 8)

hahahah FUCK

da titbid needz psychiatric help wit dis sheeyat, but i hope he dun get it coz da fuckin genius dat rezultz out of hiz random sheeyat iz indeed GENSUI

hahahahahaha da word GENSUI