Rosemary Brown

read basic sheeyat from da wikidpedia … tualist%29

sum more information … 040405.htm


“Rosemary Brown, Etude Ges-dur, inspiriert von Chopin”:

“Rosemary Brown, Danse exotique, inspiriert von Debussy”:

if u dont read dose, shortly:

Rosemary Brown claimed, that he was connected with dead classical composers and they guided him to compose their music.

tiz quite interesting

gonna do sum mo reserach when i get off from dis job 8)


Mrs Brown claimed that famous composers dictated work to her. In 1969 she was put to a test. She was put in front of a piano by the British Broadcasting Corporation and waited for Liszt to appear. He came and dictated to her a piece that was too hard for her to play. Someone else who could play the piece was sent to play it. The piece was later investigated by a Franz Liszt expert, who said it had definite similarities to the great composer’s work.


hahaha daim

I believe her yo :chop:

hahahahahaha, i read about diz biatch in a random book

imprezzive sheeyat, mildly

Dis iz bullsheeyat. As if da Chop :chop: had brain damage in da CCCP and da CLOD regress 40 years in da afterlife. Dis biatch make a living conning da people, give da afterlife a bad rep :confused:

who the fuck is chickenfish?

AH mah bad self iz da CHICKENFISH!!! :rectum: :ho:

gud enuff fo moi :ghey: