Shaga unleashz a TRU FUCKIN MOFO

De SHAGA’z Improvised Cadenza fo de Rach3 mvmt1

FURY: 8)8)8)8)8)
SPEED: 8)8)8)8)8)8)8)
Moisture 8)
Comedic Genius 8)8)
Overall RESPEC: 8)8)8)8)8)

Datz rite, 7 shadez fo SPEED. 8)

Wherez de rec, u ask? Well fact iz, diz rec iz so HARDCORE it iz deemed unsuitable for public display. So to get diz, you will have to contact de Comme or de legendary SHAGA himself, who will personally send dis to u. Be shor to get diz ppl, and bask in de sheer genius of de SHAAAAGA


hahaha, respec fo da avoidance of sayin u can suck yo own cock

and i agree wit da ratinz except da fury and da comedic genius

dis iz purely hilarious sheeyat, da sheer hardcore nature of it iz hilarious in itself - like da ziff’s toten

and da fury…mann dis iz off da scale

Now dat da e60 haz spoken, da Shaga ought to respond. and dere iz no bettah response den DIIIIIS SHEEEEEYAT.

Da link haz been posted in da otha topic. BEWARE 8)


to fill u in on da story - earlier tonite, i emailed e60 dis SHAGA clip, and also send jeff a copy

dey didnt fuckin reply, but i assumed dat dey were SHOCKED by dis to such a degree, dat da e60 chose to unleash a backlash of FURY and SPEED from hiz legendary archives

now itz SHAGA who haz to reply now

shaga, i haff fairth dat u will completely floor da E60, respec 8)

hahaha dis battle of da prodigies is wikid. 8)
how bout we get dem both to play da comme le vent to see who ownz who in a speed race 8)


da shaga iz actually learnin dis SHEEYYAT

will da e60 reply wit hiz sheeyat? 8)

One thingz fo shor: dey will both own da Comme. 8)

hahahahahahah, yeayeah FUCK OOFOFFF

I only meant da piece. No pun waz intended 8)

regardless - fuck off

From: Tha Man
To: .
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:28 pm
Subject: da formal request

I gotta hear dis sheeyat. Fo sho.

And I is still waiting :stop:, unless I already found it in this topic. The 'Zepp’s comments, however, elicit doubt. 8)

hahaha diz iz sumwhere

haha, actually yep datz it

Dis soundz lyk a load of shit to moi. 8)

No diz-repspec to da Shaga, but he sez it soundz lyk utter rubbish, n I would have to agree. Granted, bettah den many could do, but da fact dat you all are jerkin’ off over it iz quite surprizing to my bad self. It iz far from outstanding. 8)


diz begz da queztion…letz c U do bettah 8)

he just wishes dat he had da abilitez to jerk-off to dis too

dayum, da krit

haha diz recording iz extremely sheeyat.