should i learn da KANCERTO?

haha da faith :comme:

it took u 3 yearz to learn 3% of da notez to diz 2min sheeyat. da KANCERTO iz a 40min sheeyat. u do da math 8)

2000 yearz 8)

mozt accurate 8)

da :comme: iz an eternal optimist


hahahahahah, hu da fuck playz it in 40 minz?

diz iz FIFTY minz :doc: :stop:

maybe u gonna play it in 40, :comme:

is :comme: ready for :stop:?

KAN> :comme:

      <img src="/uploads/default/original/1X/54e1b23c4a12d4b54686e79268150d31074b24b3.gif" width="20" height="24" alt=":comme:" title="Da Comme"/> > KAN



i loved ur te1 so I say yes. y not, if it doenz’t work it doesn’t work.

i’m learning da 25/5 n after dat i’m going to straight to da 10/1… n won’t be able to play eithah


im learning 25/2 now 8)

i hate dat etude


hahahaha, da HARSH shreddah

no, your muzicality iz too profound to play diz superficial sheeyat
10% [ 1 ]

hahaha, hu voted diz? 8)


who carez but muzicality? tiz da way of sayin “sure i only know easy pieces but dey iz musially difficult in a way u neveah cud anothah stand”

haha dat’s rite

“u can play beethoven sonatas at fourty, if u wanna completely understand it”


how da fuck iz somthin musically difficult? n shouldn’t be da same to all pieces?

If i’m thinking about breakfurst when playing Mozart… don’t play it good musically? can u hear a difference? WTF!!!

hahaha i really don’t know…

or…i just don’t understand all musicality 8)

neithah do i. tiz a conspiricy