Sonatine op. 61

In need of da 'kan sheeyat musik for a recital in 5 weeks time; da Sonatine op.61. Can anyone provede?

respec respec an more respec



HAHAHAHAHAHA u iz gonna get diz sheeyat perf ready in 5 weekz? who da fuck do u think u iz? da zepp?? 8)

haha…zepp, u pozz need 5 yrs conzidaring yo current tech.


cuz it vil take u 4 yrz n 10 month to get moi da sheetz :znail: 8)

randomly diz piece iz easier dan u think 8)

Thanks Meph

I’ve given up hope of doin this tho- I can’t remember half of it.

:frowning: :smiling_imp:

Still, can anyone provide me with score? Mine was randomly stolen on a bus in Milton Keynes


i really need da score to the sonatine op 61 an da Grande Duo Concertante

surely someone can help? :kan: :kan: :kan:


touche :rudy: