The borderline between awesome tech and ELITE tech

Wild vs. Lesbo? :sunglasses:

I’d argue that da Lesbo’s techn is better than we think because he spends such little time on each piece that he never fully secures them enough to truly unleash.

Watch da lezbo’s Spanish fantasy and you’ll realise his tech is worse than we think :stuck_out_tongue:

Daim :rofl:

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ahahaha da zepp think da LEZBO iz bazically

a mo legendary :zcholah: :sunglasses:

n zince da :zcholah: iz already a bit legendary to begin wiz, it follow dat da LEZBO cant be too zheeyat of a mofo himzelf :sunglasses:

Hahaha da :zcholah: is legendary only for hiz zlownezz and zero dynamic range.

Da zcholah runz da gamut of dynamix n emotiosheeyat from mf to f.

Yeah, I can see da rezemblenzez :sunglasses: (to be fair, da lezbo does haff a greatah range)

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Elite tech is cunt-troll over sound n genzui understanding of acouzdickz n whut to bring out.

Not JUZ raw dex

Da mofo wiz da most insane Elite tech n tru projection is da HO.


U zay merely lyk u cud unleazh a Zub 1min 10/2 :sunglasses:

Wut u zay may partly be tru, tiz juz wize to ztay away from da word Merely :sunglasses:

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Da mofo wiv da best raw dex iz obviouzly da zepp in 10/1 :smiling_imp:

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Da TM can use any word, even tranny n Diarrhea

Liberally n wizout reztriction

Howevah I have removed da offebdin word like da cuck jew ghey dat I am

I give you da Vol. Also pedal, fuck that guy can pedal.

hahahah in dat perf

da zepp RAPE/MIZZ JUZ ENUFF NOTEZ fo it to remain a liztenable zheeyat undah da rec/hall cunditionz, zhowin gensui undahztandin of acouzdickz n wut to bring out :elite tech: :tm: :sunglasses:

da zepp RAW DEX on de otha hand wuz alwayz a bit zheeyat n nowhere near elite level :whale:

but zeriouzly, dat 10/1 wuda been an unliztenable zheeyat fo any mofo wiz ztage zeatin or if da mic wuz wizin 10 metahz of da 88 :sunglasses:

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Haha unless u go full Pakkmofo n uze 2135 :sunglasses:

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ahahahah da zepp randomly find da :zcholah: ztylee to be inzanely fazcinatin :dong:

zince nearly every zheeyat diz mofoz duz at da 88 iz againz da zepp own inztinctz. zumtymz when i watch diz mofo in action i iz in complete zhock at da zelf-control he dizplayz, choozin to chill-down in pzzgz dat r beggin to be zpazz-raped etc :sunglasses:

da ability to maztah diz ANTI-NATURE ztylee of penizm pozz evidence of ELITE TECH :sunglasses:


ahahahah fuckkkkk tru i haff tried diz

in fact

if u can make da azcend zound lyk a zmooth zheeyat wiz diz fingahrin, den u haff ELITE TECH fo zhor :sunglasses:

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The same fascination Jews have for Josef Mengele :sunglasses:

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I’m a proud holocaust-denying non-Jew

Honestly? You’re a holocaust denier?

TM knows he can always play the jew card if someone takes offence to the retarded anti-semitic sheeyat he says.


Yep. :tm: