The Development of Technique

this kind of goes along with the other thread, I suppose.

It seems to me that working on chopets for technique is retarded until u have already reached a certain point in technique. It is retarded to not have a good technique, and struggle with the chopets, playing come bar, hands alone, over and over again for hours hoping that your technique will get better because the chopets are so hard…it becomes forced technique, rather than clear, natural one.

So wut would be the development process? Right now I am working on WTC only…where should I go after that?

It seems crazy that some of u play for only 3 years and play insane chopets.

I play for 2 years myself.

i think that it is key to play scales, first just at 80 bpm, 2 beats per note, using arm and finger and a slow landing for each note, focusing on tone, then doing 1 per beat, 2 octs 2 per beat, 3 octs 3 per beat, 4 per beat contrary etc etc 6 and (if you can) 8 …

to do major and minor arpeggios in the scale in all of its inversions, first slowly with metranome, then more quickly (measuring with the beat in 3 per beat, 4, then 6, whatever) and then dominant chords in all of the inversions, always starting on the thumb and pinky even if it’s a black key, finishing with the diminished arpeggio… ALSO, broken chords in the same manner.

I do this for every piece I do, whatever key it is in… so if it’s d minor, i do all of this for d minor. It only takes 15-20 minutes tops, and the arpeggios (especially dominant) give your fingers such dexterity, and teaches them to stretch all shapes, not to mention you’ll memorize more quickly and recognize all of these (SUPER HIGHLY) common shapes in the music. Doing a Harmonic scale in octaves is also a descent idea.

Other then this, i’d say keep it up with WTC, even do a Suite or Partita (if you can memorize quickly, if not stick to WTC pieces), Bach is always excellent for dexterity, for phrasing, for memorizing, for the ear… and to work on Chopin etudes, even if you can’t get them up to speed, one at a time.

If you get to a certain point where the scales and arpeggios get too easy, I’d recommend using the Liszt excersizes, because that’s taking the arps and scales and giving them CRACK

this is just what I think is ideal and what i’d teach my students if I had any advanced ones (i teach for some money during summers)

When you are bored of memorizing music, or working on something, try the Hannon trills excersize (i actually think its a good one) or something else. It’s a good break (mindless practice does suck, but I really don’t think you need much focus to do this excersize)

Now, what I’ve found helps you improve more than anything, is to make sure your relaxed no matter what you are playing (even octaves), making sure that your arms are guiding you for the thumbs crossing over in the arpeggios, that you’re not twisting your hand too much, shoulders are low, etc etc

then you truly master the piano

I is zearchin an editor to publizh da mart exercicez :doc:

hahah fuckkkkkkkkkk

diz inzpirez me

i vill write my own zetz of excercises
n pozt them tonight

:stop: :stop: 8)

just play c mojor scale, den dat in octaves, and den do it as fast as possible. Dat will be da perfect techinique. Da c major scale is da hardest sheyeat evah.

ahhaha wtf da trumofo

da F# majah arpeggioz :doc:

F# major arps aren’t hard, Bflat major is harder, with 1 on the black key

yo dude

try 2 (on b-flat), 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3.

Tiz vil be much easier.

I know, but playing it like that makes other arps so much easier

dudez , do da chopetz

Chopets are not for “basic” technique like scales. I agree with milfhunter.

what if techincally u iznt ready fo dem, wat iz da tech prep?

itz zame az da 88ztreet sheeyatz whu say “dun play da czerny, tiz derived from da :brotha: sonz, jzut play doze”

well i takez me 2 monthz to learn a brotha zon, which includez a zl*w movement, but it takez me 2 day z to learn a Czerny, so I can concentrate on da tech right away.

shorly da :stop: at which mah tech wud improv iz way faztah wit da Czerny, whu, by da way, wuz not randomly rezpecable teacher in hiz time fo no reazon.


zome czerny might be good. but playing chopetz really zlow but in the right way of articulation givez a huge approvement of technique. but what da fuck. :chop:

twud be nice if Koji or sumbudy else wif a mofo tech weighed in on dis thread

the g sharp minor arps (inversions of dominants at least) are kind of a bitch

and that 3rd inversion C dominant is a bitch to do up to speed without making the thumb cross overs noisy as hell

by the way, if anyone has any octave advice, please share, that’s my weakness, i always tense up when playing octaves

I can pull off shorter runs (i played op 44 polonaise fast) but I just can’t hold them out for very long.

if u wanna play da octavez clear and fazt and not getting tense … PRACTIZE DEM ZLOOOOOOOOOOOW for a very LOOONG tym . and da octave problem vill be prevailed

lift your wrist up, so that there is less strain onit upon imapct. Play from your arms, don’t flex your wrist. Over time, your wrist will get stronger, and will be able to remain rigid.

the best part of my tech is octaves, and only because I have practiced slowsly the chopet, HR 6, and chromatic ovts and c major octs usinf 5-4-5-4-5-4…fingering…

I can play it very fast and kind of very clear, im still practicing it, but what I find is that after a while, the tendon(i guess its a thendon) on the side of the thumb in the laft hand gets rly painful and I have to stop…thats the only problems I have…

now I REALLY need help with thirds…

and who ever said the c major scale is hard…wtf…the A minor is MUCH harder…

i keed i keed lol, but seriously, c major is not hard, the ones with a lot of sharps are much harder imo…

c major iz hard becuz itz not da normal pozition of da hand.

But tiz not da hardest

da eaziest iz obviously da B major