u know u r part of da sdc when...

-da rectum 10-4 no longer scares or amazes you like the first few times u watched it…
-u call pianists and composers by something oda den deir names
-u know da mofo language, even tho u may not always speak it
-u know wut is comedic gensui, and wut is not
-u know y da rob is da official sdc composer
-u anxiously wait for new vids of da Incognito for pure cg
-u hate, or have hated, da comme
-u lyk, or heff lyked, da comme
-u know who MilfHunter was in chopinfiles… :confused:
-ur collection is made up of 90% bootlegs

add ur own, fukerz…

-u pozt in thiz sheeyat thread

Catz, y da hostility towards me, broda?

tiz a hoztility towardz yo thread


  • u tgenunlyf lyk da zepp’z recz :ziff: :stop:

-u rape 8 year oldz

or maybe datz just me 8)


You kno you’re a part of DASDC when you scared of everyone you spend mo time online dan at da 88

Now that would be scary

wtf? :whale: :stop:

not a clue

tru :kan: