Chopin op.9 no.1 (1.12 MB)
try raising the fukkin volume
much fury n much moizta ruinin by insipid bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing n no volume
i’m surprised
fuuuckkk da comme can play?
i didnt lyk a lot of da rubato dat you used in da beginning (too sl*w), although da dynamics were pretty good, but try n make more contrast on da part with da constant bass arpeggioz rite before da return of da first theme
I heard a wrong note. Or actually, 2 wrong notes. But since that pattern is repeated 4 times in the piece, you played 8 wrong notes.
8 wrong notes.
And a couple of more.
I liked it. I think you use rubato originally and to go good effect. The volume changes and accents are surprising, but work…somehow.
Good job!
Hahahaha da Harshness of da Scrib
hahh diz is a good rec for sho, i agree with everything da firestone sayz, othaz have no fuckin idea what they are talking about
Hahaha, actually, I think it was a good performance. I just didn’t like da rubato.
iz dat you comme ? I CAN:T HEAR SHEEEEEEYAAT MOFO !
hahahaha da memoriez… diz is one of the first piecez that I learned nd played along with chopgodz RESPEC da young chop
diz performance iz admittedly wikid
i learned dis piece halfway n randomly didin’t evah finish, which is sad
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA da comme finally realizez where hiz ‘strengthz’ r
Not as impress as by diz guy
FO SHOR. yo m*zicality incurz much jealouzy
choppy sheeyat
hahahah diz file ztill exiztz