Unhailed god of CG

Alberto Portugheis.
Anybody heard of dis mofo?
Ah heard him bout four yearz ago n it waz da funniest sheeyat (concert) ahv evah been too. All Chop prog: 4 ballades interspersed wit da impromptus n sum random nocturnez.
Yo all know dat generally speakin when ‘standard’ rep iz played badly it sux n iz borin n a pain to listen too. Well wif dis mofo it woz truly hilarious. Ah cannot begin to describe wot he did wif da music an da effect it had. Lyk sumone’s readin sheeyat, but dey don’t understand shit, pronunciation’s all fucked up, pauses in da wrong etc. The hall woz packed in anticipation fo hiz gig az he waz billed az havin studied wif da same teacher az da orgy but ppl waz gettin up n walking out az he woz playin. He emptied half da hall. Pure gensui.
I’d recommend dat if yo evah get da chance, go an hear diz mofo (az long az yo dont haff to pay fo da ‘privilege’)
btw he aint (az far az ah know) recorded any ‘normal’ sheeyat, just lyk Ginastera n sum otha random stuff.

dat shorly can’t beat da FABIO

maphi-sto.de/klavier/video/video04/index.php :comme: :comme:

Well ahm not so sure. Ah mean da fuckin Porto sorta haz an international career n getz paid fo da shit dat he doez. Though da Fabio iz a fuckin legend. Tiz a difficult choice…

the worst pianist i ever watched a vid by

da public lyk’d him
y00’z juzt bein jealouz fo hiz zuccezz
:doc: :stop:


dat be sum gud CG :laughing:

no, diz da doctah when befoh he cut his hair. d ont question da fury. :doc:

:comme: : “i think he played sum wrong notez”

…and i must know…

wut do you zuppoze da encore wuz aftah dat clazzic??? :doc:


FABIO: diz mildly uncomfortable.
STEINWAY: get the fuck out plz

ahahahha i haf compozd thiz random prelud bazd on that chord

respec foh da ending :doc:

HAHAHAHA da FABIO RANDOM FUCKUP tribute in da end :comme:

What’s will all da random long hair mofos makin videoz of demselves stinkin up da piano?

Good lord, that was awful in every possible way.