very random, don't read


First of all, I love what I play. From the structurally perfect music of Bach to the percussively elemental music of Stravinsky, piano masterpieces from the great composers express all aspects of life- from ethos to pathos, from dissonance to consonance, and from creation to conclusion – through the beautifully coherent medium we call music.

Second, piano gives me an edge in academics. Researchers have found that music students tend to have significantly higher scores in school; I certainly hope I am not an exception. This trend can be indebted to the fact that piano is a highly mathematical instrument. The pianist has to make quick, precise decisions as he micromanages every note, every dynamics, and every rhythm. At the very least, piano teaches self-control and organization.

Third and most importantly, music gives me a way to set my emotions free. When I am angry, I play the piano to both unleash my rage and help me regain cold judgment. When I feel happy, I play the piano to both multiply and savor my mirth. In the same way, I played the piano when I heard the news that Tammy Chen, a close friend of mine, died in a car wreck. For me, sincerely and passionately playing the masterpieces was a way of paying a tribute to Tammy’s life, healing my pain, and communicating with her; it was more meaningful than any moment of silence that I could give, any memoir that I could write, and any eulogy that I could utter - precisely because music was the most coherent and genuine medium that I could express myself through.

truly random shit i wrote for an english paper

u iz a moizt mofo

hahahahaha, partially

hahaha, that strikes a CHORD with me (all 'cept the part about that tammy chen broad, though i feel yo pain).

hahahaha RESPEC da HUNG. i cud nevah write diz sheeyat 8)

da hung sung usess da piano to unleash his fury. how random and gensui.

-da Meph

randomly random

but so gud :shrimp:

datz tru.

-da Meph

i didnt think it wuz gud at all 8)

da zepp vil play da shredah humorezque aftah ma death

da only unghey tribute

what the fuck happened to this place?

da Devil’s fury got to it.

Haha that is gensui. Keep up da good work :dong: :dong: :dong:

hahaha, dis essay haz been sdc-ized! 8)

firzt of all, i love da sheeyat i play. frum da struktured sheeyat of da bach to da FURY of da stravinsky, piano mazterpieces frum da great compozers exprezz all azpects of life- from moizture to FURY, from gensui to girth, n frum wikidnezz to legendarynezz – thru da wikid sheeyat we call music.

second, piano givez mah-bad-self n edge n academic sheeyat. researchers haff found dat muzik studentz tend to haff wikid scorez n skool; i hope i m not n exception. dis trend can be indebted to da fact dat piano iz a highly wikid intrument, arguably. da pianist haz to make fazt decisions az he micromanages every note n sheeyat. at da very leazt, piano teachez FURY

third n pozzibly most importantly, muzik gives mah-bad-self a way to set mah emotionz free. when mah-bad-self iz angry, mah-bad-self playz da piano to realease mah legendary FURY! when mah-bad-self feelz happy, mah-bad-self playz da piano to both multiply n savor mah girth. n da same way, mah-bad-self played da piano when mah-bad-self heard da news dat da Tammy Chen, a cloze brutha, died n a car wreck. fo mah-bad-self, furiouzly playin da masterpieces wuz a way of payin a tribute to da Tammy’s life, healin mah pain, n communicatin wit da chick; it wuz more meaningful dan any moment of silence dat mah-bad-self could give, any sheeyat dat mah-bad-self could write, n any sheeyat dat mah-bad-self cud uttah - precizely becuz muzik wuz da most da mozt wikid n leazt sl*w sheeyat dat mah-bad-self cud unlease mah legendary FURY thru.



hah da sdc version is bettah, to my dismay

FUCK now diz topic getz da official :dong: approval

da zepp speaks once again.

-da Meph


no emocotion for da mystical zepp