Lol, someone had a bad day
haha. That’s pretty funny. It’s like the chair is humping him.
hahahha mo lik “violently rapin”
hahahahaha zhow zum REZPEC!
he can play virtuosic pieces very well
lassan wuz a bit
Ha interesting
very nice
my god that beginning sounds like shit
I’m no Lang Lang hater, but that sounds so bad.
seriously what the fuck
this is why piano is referred to as a percussion instrument
but it isn’t.
I’ve seen him pefom this i Philly, and he butchered it in comparison with Volodos. Also in his “memory” CD, simply not worth listening. Liszt and Ho turning in their grave.
His Chinese pieces are great, but when hi played tha Schumann Op17, I cringed too many times during the march. Good finale, otherwise.
lol, I attended a recital of him, and the lady sitting by me asked me to leave cuz I was almost laughing and trying to keep it down…
it was hilarious…
wtf, does he ALWAYS play the schumann fantasy??? he played it in the recital I went to…HORRIBLE…the best part was the finale…and it wasnt that good…
I did, however, go backstage afterwards because b4 the show I asked for permission and they gave me, so I think I got like 2 pics (WTF!!! WHERE THEY EVER DEVELOPED???), and a signature…
I then playede a bit for him…quite a night
In the recital he also played da HR6…also horrible musciality, but the speed was un-fuking-believable…I almost shat my pants…literally…
as an encore he played the chopet 10-3…way too melodramatic…
the chinese pieces r ok…the mozart was pretty good, but boring…
ok recital, nothing too great…
Ah, yes. HR6 he did this year, in April. It was the highlight of the recital. As you said, the Mozart sonata was ok, but Ho’s rec was much better (with the Mozart Concerto, DG).
It was a musical orgasm when I saw him do the Octave parts of HR6. I recall he mentioned in the program that he used HR6 when he was 10 to “practice octaves.” OMFGWTF?!? It’s fun to try the section, but impossible to repeat as he did them.
I’ve been to two of his recitals in Philly, and both I’ve gotten pictures and signed CDs. I do like his Rach’s Variations on a Theme by Pag. However, Kissin’s Rach 2 is nicer to the ear than Lang’s. In general, he has great technique, especially after watching his DVD while he plays Reminiscence of Don Giovanni. Gotta love unleashed fury
he’s right, da hr6 is perfect or octaces, thats wut i also do