Video request

Hello, this is ziff.

               if it is possible, can someone that has the [color=red]Cziffra at BBC Polanise No. 2 video, [color=yellow]upload it at []( . In exchange for that, I will post more recs from my Horowitz, Cziffra , Argerich, Richter,Kapell and Pletnev collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please post it here. I really want to see it. I heard ziff playing it in japan, and it blew me away. Now i desire to SEE ziff unleashing da polanaise.

Thank you

           I will post more files soon!!!!!!


you should post something that people don’t have.

people = da jeff

i iz fo eveah greatfull of ur postz 8)

if it means he satisfy da people who haz da ziff videos, da peepo obviously would post it.

instead of wasting time and resources like useless peepo like da mildly.

hahahahahahahaha go fuck ur 10/1 8)

haha ic ic

jeff, u could share cziffras friska video 8)



dayum my 50th post