pianoforum.net/smf/index.php … 552.0.html
Feel free to skip to the octaves.
koji (STSD)
Mah bad self haz alfays tought about da Schubb az a anti SDC composah. But da Thrac has prooven otherwise. Dis rec haz all da elements og da ess dee see. Comedic genius. Raw speed. Octs. And moist. Also da middel section made mah bad self to tears.
Also ya avatar iz probably da bezt movi eveah created.
-da Meph
hahahaahahahaha, pulp fiction
da random BROTHA getz hiz head blown off in da back seat by accident
dat iz da funniezt sick insane black humah eva
HAHAH black humah!!! datz rite, i am wikid