We need new little pianist pics. we only have a selection of emotions:
we need angry, surprised, sad n FUCK YOU
We need new little pianist pics. we only have a selection of emotions:
we need angry, surprised, sad n FUCK YOU
We also need ‘OMG my dick is so fuckin hard, you wouldn’t believe it’ pianist pic.
Although it is hard to imagine how that could be useful on a classical piano thread.
I don’t think pianostreet has one.
i’m sure it could be put to good use on da SDC tho
No doubt.
kiss ur totally one of mah favorite membahz
You too.
jeremey, be aware dat he REALLY IZ GHEY, n he may randomly inzert hiz average length but imprezzive girthed peniz up yo azz
maybe that iz what he wantz (no offense jeremy if you dont roll that way)
You mean someone who can draw cock that well isn’t straight?
i think he means more lyk
do u prefer da company of men o women while havin sex.
n if so
r u pitcher or catcher?
n if pitcher
wanna hook up?
PS- bring da cuffs
no, its just that we all pozzezz evidence that he isnt straight.
fo example, dat.
and skepto, youree too young for jeremy, anywayz.
You mean evidence like cum in your ass?
jre58591: jeremy77:You mean someone who can draw cock dat well isn’t straight?
no, its just dat we all pozzezz evidence dat he isnt straight.
fo example, dat.You mean evidence lyk cum in your ass?
me?? hell no. other evidence.
‘Other evidence’ doesn’t stack up against a pool of cum.
jeremy77:You mean someone who can draw cock dat well isn’t straight?
i think he means more lyk
do u prefer da company of men o women while havin sex.
n if so
r u pitcher or catcher?
n if pitcher
wanna hook up?
PS- bring da cuffs
hey jeremy. read dis n respond + how old are u?
‘Other evidence’ doesn’t stack up against a pool of cum.
back off. he aint gonna respond truthfully if you make it an inquisition >>
How many straight guys do you think juicygoo attracts?