what is/was your uni major?
- art (design, fine art, language, etc)
- science (e.g. physics, chem, bio, etc)
- law
- medicine
- dentistry
- pharmacy
- piano
- engineering
- commerce
what is/was your uni major?
i’m a biochem major!
incomprehenzive poll optionz…
math = mathematical science = science
hahaha unlykly
who’s doing law?!
da clazzic piano
see how i didn’t put piano in the art group; piano is too special and in general, too good/fantastic/unique/strong to be grouped with other “artsy” subjects.
You can’t just look at the programme; you’ve gotta look at the school too.
I’m goin to a conservatory and majoring in da BASSOON
i iz going into social sciences next year…econ.
i iz in da aviation prgoram at my uni…it comes with a bus admin (haha joke joke joke) degree…i sorta just sleep through those classes, and den i fly mah aeroplanes wit da fury to make up for the excessive brain numbing
run far away if you see an airplane flying above in fashion…i may hit a wrong note
electrical engineering
haha, nothing rite now
i iz already graduated to pc-support mofo
piano… first year
piano mofos are leading
piano, 3rd and a half year but indefinitely on vacation too tru
Doesnt leave much time for the piano.
well I am in my first year in High school. so: nothing.
-da Meph