Because you can’t see shit without any eyeballs on your face.
maybe ur not playin em fast enuff
Coz dey be arraused
chopin etudez r mah cock
nuff said
I semi-c
Is that why your cock is divided into 24 different pieces?
Those pieces are too small and doesn’t count.
u r mistaken
Theyz not difficult. Take dem chopy etudes and cockslap those mofos, an say “I am da master of da etudes!”
Den unleash the fargin FURY upon da helpless keyboard
u talk da talk. but do u walk da walk?
Ahhhh…iz you talkin to me? I walk da walks that men dare not walk cuz theyz wuz never meant to be walked by even da furiest of walkerz.
Experience DA FURY of da JAZZPENIS
da Chop etude iz da ultimate piano set. Not a single pianist can unleash the whole set at a satisfied level(SDC standard timing) b/c there are mofoz who cant be beaten. Friedman’s 10-7, Rectum’s 10-4, Gav’s 25-11…etc. Unlike ludy’s piano sonatas where u can find a complete set from one particular pianist and it’z still marvelous. Da Shep’s Ludy iz a classic. All 32 piano sonatas by da Shep iz da SD classic. da question iz that what standard of each etude are u aiming for. If u are just aiming for note-perfect, it will take u a long fucking while at descent speed. If u are just aiming for speed regardless of wrong notes, it wont take u long. Chossing to perform an etude in live recital, presumably the fast one, is pretty risky b/c u haff to play everything 100% perfect in every aspect. Audiences will pay fucking much attention even though it’s just 2 mins length. 10-5, 10-8, 25-1, 25-7 are da most performed in live recital as far as im concerned. Very few pianists choose to unleash 10-1, or 10-2 live b/c u can get fucked easily. Da Chop etudes is da supreme piano composition. It will take u a life time to master them all and another life time to beat da Rectum 10-4.
May da Rectum rest in peace.
what are the “SDC standard timing” times for each one of the Chopin etudes?
dere is simple formula for this. take the BPM of the etude, multiply by 1.2 and add the girth of your cock in centimeters. from this figure out how fast it sohuld be played (minus any mesaures that do not contain 16th notes). this is a good starting point until you start to practice
Who waz it dat said sumsheeyat lyk “if you can play da Chopin Etudes you can play anything”?
I have heard that to.
I think it was da Chop himself
-da Mephisto
da Chop obviously never foresaw da arrivin of da prophet GOD