Why are some recordings panned like this?

Me too. :imp: I’ve never found a sample where a pair of MK2s face a piano alone in a real concert hall. Schoeps in general however are more relaxed, wider, and more round or “musical” sounding compared to DPA, if also with a characteristic smoky touch to them - as if a thin veil is between you and the music. DPA by contrast is fast, exciting, bright and ultra-detailed. They’re both extremely transparent so the coloration differences shouldn’t be taken too far, but DPA is a bit Horowitz in character, Schoeps a bit Arrau.

Do you guys watch YT on your mobile? It surprised me that over half of the new views I get are from mobile phones. In total they make up over a third of all views.

I’m listening to Pletnev’s Beethoven/Chopin/Bach 2006 recital. Man I don’t know why I didn’t switch the channels in this. It’s annoying AF to hear the treble in the left side. I hear what you mean Danny.

Did you get your new mics CJ?
After being MIA for 10 days, my mics are apparently at Roissy airport.
Please God, let them find their way to me!!!

I hope they’re ENTERING France and not leaving it!

Just days after I decided on the Schoeps a friend alerted me about a little thing called the d:vice DPA have just released. It’s a very portable AD converter and preamp for their microphones you connect to your phone. It’s primarily intended for the 4060s (and directed towards journalists, who are increasingly using their smartphones instead of stand alone recorders), but they’ve also released an active cable preamp meaning you can use any one of their microphones together with it in a compact, portable way. So a complete recording system with their flagship 4006 - my “ideal” microphone in the world for recording piano - would now all of a sudden look… like in the picture I can’t attach in this forum section. The point is anyway that it’s now suddenly possible to use the 4006s, and easier than going the Schoeps route. They have a very similar sound signature to the 4060s I already have however, so question is now whether to get a d:vice + 4006 and spend 4.5k€ on what is essentially a lower noise floor, or whether to get the Schoeps as a complement to the DPAs I already have. The Schoeps are miraculous on strings, but I’m far from sure I’ll prefer them over the 4060s on piano, and hence it might be a very expensive microphone to record things I don’t care that much about anyway.

So I’m a bit stuck at the moment. Unless I come to my senses before then I’ll get something towards the fall when the new season begin, but I haven’t decided yet which of these setups it’ll be. If I go Schoeps however I’ll probably continue to use the 4060s on piano, since the only microphone out there I think will record the instrument better is the 4006, or possibly the old and long defunct Neumann M50.

Yes, “arrival at inbound gate”.
Not exactly sure where they’ve been for the last week and a half.
I’ve seen the d:vice on the DPA site but I hadn’t thought of using it for our purposes.
I wonder how good the preamp is compared to that found in a decent recorder?
I also couldn’t work out how it’s powered.

A friend has been using it since November or so, and it’s apparently really good. He says the sound is a step up compared to 4060s+M10, and battery drain is apparently just 10-15% over 2 hours of recording (both the mics and the d:vice itself take their power from the phone).

There are several other question marks about it however. What if phone makers suddenly change or remove the USB connector? Even if they don’t, will it still work with operating systems 10 years from now? In my case I’m also wondering about power, since a 9V battery lasts around 300 hours with the 4060s whereas I know it only powers the 4006s for around 2.5 hours. It’s a whole different beast to run in mobile, and question is how long a phone can drive them.

It’s amazing that a phone can power both. Or maybe it’s not; I have no idea how powerful phone batteries are.