yez chazze neige ztyle would be nice…
recently thiz hath becom one of mah fav wokz
fuck tha Ii wud yk to c tha or deal wiz thiz girth
i zaw play dis live
VOL did u go hidden alzo?
tru i iz on a ztealth mizzion
i dun wanna git pull ovaah by daSDC pigltitz fo browzah drunk n ztoned
Jeff: Richter never played HR3. Only 17.
o yea.
ivez concord zon
edit: alzo god pazzadragofthazhwaglia n ofcourze vignt zheeyatz. but we all know tha HO wud lykly not zpend tha thouzandz of necezzary hourz on thiz
playing Medtner
Do you think the great pianist of the last century such as Richter, Gilels, Horowitz etc did know who Alkan was?
It’s certainly possible. At least they wouldn’t have known much about his work.
With the except of Petri and Busoni, nobody really played Alkan’s work until the 60s when Bracey, Ogdon, Lewenthal and - most notably - Ronald Smith started to rescue it from obscurity.
I found this site with all the Alkan recordings, and it is interesting to notice that other of Buosni’s pupils also recorded some piano rolls of Alkan’s music.
Ho Mazeppa Richter Mazeppa
And everything.
Ho actually perfed da Zepp a long time ago but I believe that there is no recording sadly.
If there is one, kindly correct me and direct me to where I could get/purchase it.
Thank you,
a cock
u dont have one?
da playin any lh chopgod
i juz want to c wut he duz wiz hiz rh tru
Dat wud be mildly inapprop for da concret hall though for da salon…
Yep, I would love to hear deze and da complete iberia. But he’d probably leave out tons of notes. He though fantasia baetica wuz sheeyat. Rudepoema waz villa-loboz’ attempt to compose Rubinstein’s personality. Ruby said “is this really what he thinks I am like?!”. I’d love all of deze too but played by young ruby.
sofro scrib2-prezto