Would you attempt the rach 3?

we’ve all heard all da sheeyat how da rach 3 is da hardest piece ever composed, within reason, Opus C aside…

would you attempt it? i just downloaded the score and gonna read it while listening to horo playing it…


Hahah, gud question, I dunno if it wuld be worth it. Soundz really annoying to plays uch a long piece wit an orchestra.

Pozzibly da first movement. :rock: Wit da big-dick candenza of course.

tiz a lot of notez :rock:

i play the rach 1, so i could probably at least be able to play a movement or two from it.

if you have played the following in quite good shape and performed them infront of an audience :
-at least 5 preludes and fugue from WTC
-haydn sonata
-at least 2 mozart zonataz
-3 beethoven zonataz and at least one variationz
-at least 10 chopetz
-at least 10 liszt etudez
-at least 4 of the following Chopin : Ballades , Scherzos , Fantasie , Grand Polonaises
-at least one of the following sonatas : Chopin , Schubert , Brahms or Schumann
-at least 8 rach etudes
-at least one of the following sonatas : Scriabin , Prokofiev , Rachmaninov
-at least one of the following Debussy : Images I,II , Preludes I , Suite Bergamasque , Estampes , Pour le piano (or Ravel’s Miroires or Gaspard de la nuit)

if you already passed these … i dont see a problem y u dont attend to tha rach3 … otherwise , you dont wanna make a joke out of your piano abilities !

i was attempting tha rach a few minutes ago, and the chords in around 8 minutes are a bitch to play, but the melody with the counterpoint b4 it is not a problem…

wuts da hardest part of it? how many cadences r there? which one das do ho play in da famous rec with reiner?

azzuming u mean cadenzas:

I do not noe wat recording you are talkin about (because i m a nub) but da Ho usually playz tha small-penis cadenza. I rmemeber reading he had a pretty gud reason.

hahah, when asked why he didnt play da big-dick cadenza rock said:
:rock: : Becauze it sounds like an ending… [size=75]n its too hard[/size]

ahhaah tiz correct

I think you may want to add some concertos to that as well

perhaps 1-2 Beethoven, 1 Brahms or Tchaik, 1 Rach, Mozart, Grieg or Mendelsson etc

something like that

abzolute BS :lib:

:comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme: :comme:

i thought about concertos , but then when he went thru tha solo he can “attempt” to study and play tha rach3 BUT the time he wants to perform that with orchestra , he definately needs to be well prepaired thru tha beethoven , brahms , mozart , mendelsson and chopin concertos

thats rite , its BS as long as you want to play it da zepp way !

the big dick cadenza is da one of chords, right? jumps and chords up and down…SHEEYYYAASAAATTTT…doesnt da kissin play this here shit???

wtf, kissin plays it and da horo or rock couldnt…respec level went down a bit…

and wuts the “pretty good reason” dat ho didnt play it??? if u’re gonna hint at something u know, share it with us…dont be a douchebag and leave us hanging…

Da :ho: played da looser cadenza in three of his four recordingz only. Da Ashgheynazi on da otha hand played da ossia in three of hiz four recz! Go figure…

da ho randomly thought it zounded too much like an ending also, which is sheeyat excuze not to play da wikid az fuck big hippo dick cadenza.

n respec young ashkenazy

iz you implying dat in 1 of hiz four recs :ho: played da ossia? i haff not heard of dis. do u have rec?

i randomly, have never even heard da ossia

in the 5 recs of vlad’s rach 3 i’ve heard he doesn’t play the big cadenza, i guess this only leaves the 1930 rec with coates?
i don’t think he ever played the big one, but perhaps in the rec with Coates, they only recorded the first movement there. anyone got it?