hashahahaha, dere seemz to be lyk fuckin 10 NU MEMBAZ A DAY!!!


i haf an idea y diz iz, but give yo opinionz, n how to increaze it EVEN MO

dey iz joinin fo da vidz

we need to make sure know one access da sharing vid n sheeyat forum before dey haff atleast 100 posts

in my carreerr at da SDC tha only vidz i have attained are rectum 10/4, da dongaz Hung Gangsta Cadenza, and…yesterday i donwloaded a busted up ziff warmup vid.

resepct/ 8)

hahahahahaha, hang around mo n u vil get mo sheeyat

hahaha, mah-bad-self joined cuz mah-bad-self iz a tru mofette

hahaha pozzibly 8)

hahahahha, da inverted peniz


Posts: 69

nice 8)

hahaha tru

Posts: 10248
legendary 8)

hahahahaha, dayum

well diz iz tru, u iz imprezzed by ma girth?

hahaha pozzibly

i haff respec fo yo girth, tru

tiz obvious y dey iz joining, the sheeyat dat makez me mad iz dat dese are probably da same fuckahz who dizz da sdc on da othah forumz. No Respec


so ve iz thinkin about hafin a policy

5 levelz

1 - browzer
2 - regiztered uzer
3 - contributor(bazed on pozt count maybe)
4 - truzted memba(each perzon iz individually selected bazed on truzt n worthynezz)
5 - adminz

u iz no4 bru 8)


Security level:

3 - contributor(bazed on pozt count maybe)

tiz tru?

hahaa fuck i fogot, u dun haf accezz to da brothel

u dezerve it fo all da random recz n vidz, n random sumtymz gud poztz 8)

haha okay

i feel flattered

I am glad foh da boa.

but give it to mah bad self to. I haff been on diz mofo joint fo a long time and I haff just learned Ornstein`s dead mans dance. and dat fury qualifies foh an acess to da brothel.

-da Meph

uze a pump, n pump yozelf back up again

well meph, i thoght i gave u accezz
ive done it a couple tymz n u still dun haf accezz?

fuck I haff finaly gotten acess.

-da Meph