RANDOMLY in da wrong forum but hu gifz a fuck 8)

Pick 10 recz dat - if u wuz ztranded on a dezert izland - U wud be moz content to liztn to fo da rez ov yo lyf


I’d want variety there among all coconuts, so ONE rec each from 10 rezpektable mofos.

Will have to think :lib:

Ziff - TOTENTANZ live perf
Ziff - Pimp Polo 1 ztudio rec
Ziff - TE 10 50z live
Ho - Zcrib 8/12 - '68
Ho - Rocky 39/5 '75
Ziirala - Godowzky Pazzcagliah
Kizzin - Bach-Buz Chaconne
Kapell - Chopzon 3
Zimmahframe - Pimpzon ztudio
Doc - ALKAN zymph ztudio rec :doc:

Well… here’s one selection. From a pool of 100+ candidates. :ho:

Cziffra: 1959-01-18 - RAI Auditorium Turin
Hamelin: 1994-06-21 - Wigmore Hall
Horowitz: 1968-11-24 - Carnegie Hall
de Larrocha: 1989-11-12 - Avery Fisher Hall
Lewenthal: 1969-07-30 - Syracuse University
Lupu: 1995-06-05 - Palau de Musica Valencia
Pletnev: 1999-02-21 - Wigmore Hall
Pogorelich: 1994-05-18 - Carnegie Hall
Richter: 1959-11-01 - Rudolphinum
Sokolov: 2011-10-21 - Stockholms Konserthus

Horowitz broken string, good choice!
How much would I love for Sokolov to play that same first half again. Sokolov + Bach is a wikid combination. I also like that you’re picking recitals rather than studio sheeyat. My favourite recital recording is Lipatti Besançon, so I’d have to pick that one, not sure about the rest.

ZIFF home prax tapez
LIB live chopgodz from da 90z in zupah LOW DEF
DOC live KANCERTO from japan
ZLIT live DJ
WHALE live TEz (derez a mo recent zheeyat on da tube, even bettah den da roque tru)
BAR home prax and fuckaround


n da

COMME 25/12 8)

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Hahahah da ZEPP lizt truly zhow u iz part ov da modahn TUBE generation

All vid perfz 8)

Tru except da ziff homeprax

ahahaha randomly dere be only 9 itemz on da zepp lizt

if da DOC ZUPAHVIRT DOCU count az a rec twud be da 10th zheeyat tru :sunglasses:

hahahaha letz c

RECTUM PRICK7 pozz tha '46 live rec
GAV PRICK8 or pozz tha CIGAR rec
RECTUM BROTHA ZONZ not zho which rec
HO LIVE IN MOZCOW zpecifically fo tha zcrib 8/12
RUDY complete RECTUM COMP perfz :rudy:
n pozz a collection of ZART zymphz :stop:

or pozz a completely different lizt who knowz :lib:

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Ho Barb Rach 3 1941
Ho 1932 pimpzon
Friedman 55-2
Tatum Lulu unleazh
Rachmaninoff unleashing his Rach 1
Da vid ov da zingah lolita singing (when I get it)
Da zepp campy wiz caddy/impro
Richter’s op 110 (from one of the 60’s bootleg tapes)
Cortot in da Ravel Sonatine :blush:
Feinberg in da Scrib 5 live unleash

Bonuz: I’d probably want a few vids of my ex for ample jerkoff material too.

ahahaha fuckkkkkkkkk!!!

tru da zepp vil voluntarily relinquizh hiz own zpot on diz lizt to give u dat extra baggage room fo

anothah take of da HUI BAL 4 8)

I iz not into princess themed porn

Yet :blush:

Pathetic. :tm:


Altho, one of da Ho 1940’s Yale concerts defintely belongs on dere too imho

Man, if we is talking full concerts

Trif carnegie debut rectal
Plate Carnegie 2000 debut rectal
Ziff torino :blush:
Richter Sofia 1958
Ginzburg 1952 all Liszt rectal
Sofro June 11 1954 rectal

And tomorrow’s :tm: polizh nympho rectal!

ahahahah TRU!!

but even mo legendary iz da next one where u plan to unleazh an encore fo da LOLITA 8)

Hahahah FUCK i wuz wondahrin y da fuck da TRUMOFO didn pick any ZIFF recz ezpecially zinz I recall da firz 5 yrz ov hiz prezenz here wuz bazically beggin fo ZIFF recz 8) :ziff: :fury:

Haha well, I liszted da Ziff torino 1959 rectal!

Haha no, I won’t play it in public.
I plan a private undressed unleazh vid 8)

Ziff live Totentanz (Montreux)
Ziff variouz HRz
Ziff strauzz improsheeyatz
Ziff Gounod Faust
Ziff Auber tarantula

Da KENTNAH Liapumofo TEz

Wild Pimp Robbah le diablo
Wild Thalburglah Don Pazquale

Zum Lewenthal Kan

Hoffman magic fire muzic

Maybe change my mind latah…

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FUCKKKK wikid choicez

Tru da KENTNAH Liap TEz lezz polizhd den da SHERBAKOV but haf mo zpirit n fury

4 6 n 12 ma perzonal favz