who’z ur favorite SDC membah?
hahah … fuck … randomly da Skepto , Jeremy , comme , da Zepp , da Taniwha , t25s6 , da ROB !!
who’s yours ?
randomly wit da george zand feat. russian chop comp ugly bitch in super old fashion style
i know diz iz off topic, but i hate: da mildly shreddah
i know diz iz off topic, but i hate: da mildly shreddah
favourite membahs : da zepp and jalgor
-da Meph
happy thug:i know diz iz off topic, but i hate: da mildly shreddah
randomly mah first post and i got raped
juzt wanted to do dat
randomly mah favorite iz iamcandian
jeremy and jeffy <3
jeremy n jeffy <3
just curious… one of those 2 is a girl right? seriously?
Da Skepto:jeremy n jeffy <3
just curious… one of dose 2 iz a girl right? seriously?
do jeremy and jeff sound like girl names?
JP007: Da Skepto:jeremy n jeffy <3
just curious… one of dose 2 iz a girl right? seriously?
do jeremy n jeff sound lyk girl names?
da James Pond is randomly confuzed
mah favorite is da supastah cousin
hahah man i hav random dreamz about tha supahstarz couzin theze dayz
mah fav membah iz lykly tha PREDATAH mainly becuz of tha genzui av
I don’t get no love for being the new guy