Clazzical era fury

… well, da ending iz :wink:

Not my cup of tea ztyliztically, but a zupah-rare parasheeyat on da ROBBAH LE DIABLO.

Da octz var iz sumwut raped, tru…


Hahah if diz aint yo cup ov :tea: y did u play diz? :gav:

Part of experimenting with super-rare trannies :tm:


Haha zum wikidnezz!

Da HENZELT varz uze dat theme da PIMP ignored alzo tru

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Yeah, tru! Got da on CD

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Yes, when compared to diz PIX, da Pimp’s 88 arrangement is a truly inventive mastahpiece. :wink:
Well played though.

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Yeah, da :pimp: version is much better tbh. It kind of shows a gulf in class, even if this does have some nice moments. I think he’s either impersonating or parodying da brotha at points…

I’m glad I learnt it though, because an indirect result was this:

which is my favourite rec of mine, and it’s sort of a MARTTRANZ of da pimp with the ‘Henselt’ variation added.



da zepp ztart hearin da ominouz openah chordz but iz harzhly intahrupted by a random call

i vil return in a few hourz to follow along wiz zheetz :sunglasses:

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I’m playing from a very old ZLEZHINGHAH edition reprint which iirc has an alt coda to da online sheeyatz.


but da followin maj var fuckkkkkkkkkkkk, juz becuz tiz pozz to do a forced maj/min zex change dun mean tiz alwayz gonna zound gud

AHAHAHA DA OCT CHORD VAR cuntain zum unpredicktable wikidnezz. da FEZTIN meaty chord tech juz a legendarily zolid zound :whale:

AHAHAHA FUCKKKKKKK diz endin bettah den da imzlp zheet endin fo zhor :fire: :musical_keyboard:

fuckkkkkkkkkk REZPEC da FEZTINMOFO public rectal rep choicez. again at da tym u iz pozz one of 10 mofoz in da world to prog diz zong in rectal i iz zhor. n randomly zum partz of diz i cuntzidah bettah den da PIMP tranz :sunglasses:

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Aftah a public rape of da CHOPFANT which I didn’t enjoy, da 88 pozz didn’t, and da CHOP wud haff banned moi from evah unleazhing hiz sheeyatz again, I decided to not play pieces da audiences “expect” :sunglasses:



da chop himzelf wud pozz ban u from playin hiz zheeyatz juz becuz of yo azzociation wiz n maztery of da

THAL BURGLAH :sunglasses:

tru tiz da zepp opinion dat da chop actually mo jealouz of da THAL den he wuz of da PIMP. da THAL zmooth ticklah chick magnet ztylee da tru pinnacle of 19th century penizm

or iz i juz brainwazhed by da THAL BURGLAH wiki zumhow? :sunglasses:

Ahahahahahaha fuck! I played da MOZEZ in dat rectal. And zum :kan: aftah da chopfant.

TRU yo MOZEZ iz ztill da legendary live ztandard fo ARP ORGY UNLEAZH, REZPEC :sunglasses: